Chapter 26

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In the Dentora region of the Republic of Padokea, is a 3,722 meter-high dormant volcano surrounded by forest, Kukuroo Mountain. The home of the famous Zoldyck family of assassins is here. Visitors come, every day, hoping for a glimpse of the mansion that no one had ever seen before. It is a very popular tourist spot in this nation. 

~Cue theme song~

After a discussion with the father he admires, Killua leaves his home again with Saiki as a guard, despite his mother's objections. Gon and his friends are led by Canary to the butler's office, to attempt to meet with Killua. 

"Aren't we there yet?" asked Leorio as he wiped a bit of sweat from the long walk they were having.

"We still have a while to go" answered Canary.

"How much walking do we have to do..."

_In a certain small pavilion_

"Honestly, I cannot believe this! Kil was finally home! But the men allowed him to leave again! And Father is just as guilty! he released Kil without permission! Really, this always happens! They never ask me before they act. So you understand, Gotah?" ranted Kikyo to the stoic butler of hers.

"Yes, ma'am"

"Th-this is a most critical time for Kil... why don't they understand? He's the one child I shall not give up!" sobbed the woman, the butler just stood and stayed silent.

_Back with Gon and the other's_

After a long walk on the trail, Canary stopped down the path of a more foggier part of the forest. Glancing back of making sure they were all paying attention, the female then told them that they had arrived to their destination. In a far but fair distance, a building can be seen in the mist.

"That building? But it's still pretty far away"

"Say, Canary. Won't you get in trouble for bringing us here?"

"They already know what I'm doing. So I am prepared to take the consequences"

"If there's any trouble, I'll take responsibility"

"No. I'm merely serving as a guide for Killua-sama's friends" shook the female butler as she continued on the journey. In the same building however, Killua and Saiki were greeted by a tall but fit butler.

"Killua-sama, Saiki-san, we've been waiting for you"

"Gotoh, where's Gon now? You do know, right?"

'Why don't you just aske me?'

'I actually forgot about that, oops'

"Canary is bringing Gon-sama here, along with his two friends" answered the butler, Gotoh.

"Really?" smiled Killua with hope in his voice, Saiki just stayed the same.

"They should arrive shortly, so please wait inside" gestured the butler as he guided the two inside the building.



"Let me know the second Gon get's here"

"Yes, sir. I shall notify you immediately" before Killua and Saiki go into another area in the building, said pink headed teen glanced over to the butler who froze a bit when they made eye contact. When the two teens were out of sight, Gotoh let out a silent sigh. 

'Forgive me, Killua-sama'

Just outside the building itself, Gon and the other's had arrived, but as they squint a little, due to the slight mist, they can see figures lined up outside as well. Zoldyck butler's, five to be exact were lined up, Gotoh being in the middle of it all. Once they were neared enough, said butler's gave them a welcoming bow.

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