Chapter 4

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It wasn't unusual for Saiki to be kind towards children even if they annoy them, because right now, he was trying so hard to not put Gon on a child harness.

"Gon, hurry up!" called out Kurapika as he noticed Saiki's flickering eyes between following the guide or getting Gon.

Thanking the blonde silently, Saiki thought that he could breathe easier now. Boy, was he so wrong. The three people he was forced to interact with were gazing up the wrong building and were mumbling some kind of 'cool saying'. Eyes hurting from rolling so much, Saiki gave up and made the guide speak up where the place is actually at.

"Guy's, the place is this way" said the disguised Kiriko as he pointed to a small restaurant.

Tuning out the complaint coming from the taller of the bunch, Saiki just followed the Kiriko in the restaurant and a cook greeted them.

"Is the back room opened?" asked their guide, the cook gazed his eyes on the group and questioned the disguised Kiriko what they would be having.

"The steak combo please, the one that will make us see light, and please, make it three" said the Kiriko.

Mumbling the number again, the cook nodded his head to the side. Smiling in thanks, the Kiriko led the four into a room and began explaining that he can't lead any further. Saying good bye to the Kiriko, the four sat down on the seats provided around the table table. 

"Man, I can't wait for the food to arrive here! What about you nii-san!?" asked Gon in excitement.

Before Saiki could even use telepathy to answer the young one, Kurapika explained that it was just a code for them to get in, which caused Gon to be disappointed a bit. Patting the head of the sulking child, Saiki turned his attention towards the now bickering duo. Can they ever catch a break? was the question coming from Saiki's thoughts. Seconds had passed by and the whole room had suddenly moved.

"So, the room is an elevator" voiced out Kurapika as he looked at the wall holding the count down. 


I should stop jinxing myself

It hadn't even been a minute of quietness before the duo began bickering again and somehow, Gon was dragged into it. Poor child even sent out a pleading eyes towards the quiet pink headed teen. However, before Saiki could so anything to stop them, the sound of a bell was heard and the doors to the elevator room opened to reveal a various of people staring right back at them. Rude, was the note Saiki took from all off them. Once they had stepped out, a green creature in a suite approached them calling itself bean.

"Please keep the badge with you at all time during the exam" and with that said, Bean had left the scene. 406, oh well.

As he placed the badge on his jersey like jacket, Saiki followed behind the the trio while seeking out potential threats, and boy had he found a lot. With an invisible frown, Saiki sensed one of the threats coming up to them. In cue, a chubby man approached them with a faked smile.

"I'm Tonpa, You guy's must be new, I should know because I had taken the exams many times, my 35th time to be exact" bragged the chubby man.

"That's nothing to brag about" mumbled Leorio as he stared at the chubby man before them, Kurapika agreeing.

"So that means you know who we can try to avoid?" questioned Gon with a smile.

Nodding his head, Tonpa began to show them who were the regulars out of the whole bunch. Saiki in return did listen carefully and made note of every person given. It was his job to protect Gon from any major threats and to make sure he doesn't die. The pink teen was interrupted from his notes when a scream was heard. Looking where it was from, he saw a man fall to his knees as his arms disappear into small red flowers. Saiki's eyes then turned towards the culprit. Such a weird design.

"My, his arms seemed to be disappearing, no tricks nor magic here, do apologize when you bump into someone"

"Ah, his back again" mumbled Tonpa.

While the other's asked what he had meant, Saiki just kept his eyes on the clown looking guy. He knew the guy would be a threat in the future but in the same time, not. Predicting the future was such a hassle to Saiki. Heaving out a heavy sigh, Saiki turned his attention back to his group when a soda can was placed in front of his face. The teen eyes it a bit before sniffing it quietly. As fast as he could, Saiki leaned back and literally punched the soda away towards the near by wall, denting the wall in return and making the can explode.

"Nii-san? Is something wrong with the drink?" asked Gon. 

Every time it had come to his cousin to react like that, Gon must always ask so he too doesn't take it nor do it. With out any words, Saiki took the drinks from the trio's hand, one in his right and two in his and stood face to face with Tonpa. Said man was sweating buckets when he saw the murderous aura surrounding the pink headed teen. Saiki showed the shaking man the drinks in his hands, making it seem like he was giving it back, but before Tonpa could even, the drinks were crushed. Gulping down a whimper, Tonpa made an excuse before running away.

Smirking at his little victory, Saiki threw the cans at the same wall and turned around. Staring back at him were two surprised faces and one twinkling. Shrugging his shoulders, Saiki made a sign to them to just don't bother. Without any of them noticing, many interesting eyes had turned their way.

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