Chapter 24

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In the Dentora region of the Republic of Padokea, is a 3,722 meter-high dormant volcano surrounded by forest, Kukuroo Mountain. The home of famous Zoldyck family of assassins is here. Visitors come, every day, hoping for a glimpse of the mansion that no one has ever seen before. It is very popular tourist spot in this nation.  Saiki, Gon and their friends have confronted the obstacles that they must overcome in order to meet with Killua. What awaits them at their destination? 

The old figure had led the group to a house looking building in the clearing of the woods trail. Soft glowing lights can be seen inside the building as the group stood outside, waiting for what the man would say about their destination.

"Here are the servant's quarters. It's getting late. So you can stay here tonight" explained the man as he opened the doors to the said building. With a loud creak, the door opened and the lights from within the servant's quarters shined upon them. 

"Please come in"

"Hey, I'm back!" said the man as the four teens made their way in, taking a good look of the inside. Cozy, was the first word that Saiki had thought when he felt the warmness of the quarter.

"Oh, you rarely bring guests" said a man as he walked down the stairs, a cigarette in his mouth.

"This is Seaquant. He works with me here" introduced Zebro(the guard's name).

"Good evening" greeted Gon towards Seaquant.

"If you managed to win over Zebro, you must be special. Well, make yourselves at home. Though it won't be easy here" said Seaquant as he left the bunch.


"You want to see Killua?That's a riot!" laughed the purple headed adult as Zebro poured the teens some tea.

"Sorry. But we're dead serious" 

"Then let me give you a warning: Give up, and go home"

'Some warning' thought Saiki as he rolled his eyes and took a sip of the tea in front of him.

"Zebro told you about the Testing gate, right? That should give you an idea of what this place is like" 

"Saiki-nii had passed the Testing Gate, so that must have counted as something. But we understand that it won't be easy and I'm not leaving. Not until I see Killua!" said Gon with determination.

'Passed?' a glance at the said pink teen who was gradually drinking then turned his gaze back towards the green headed teen.

"When Killua was in trouble, I wasn't there for him. I was there, I could have stopped Killua! Killua is my close friend!"

"We understand. Then why not do some training here?" suggested Zebro.


"Hey, Zebro... "

"Listen to me, Gon-kun. You three are allowed to work together to open the door. With a little training, it should be possible"

"Why three? There are four of us?"

"Saiki-san had passed the Testing Gates, he doesn't need to train. However, if you wish for him to help you then-"

"Saiki-nii had helped us many times before and after the Hunter exam, I am a growing teen, there are times where he might not be able to go with me wherever I want to go" stated Gon as he looked down to his lap, a slight frown on his face as he said so.

Saiki too, had a frown that could be passed as nothing as all. He too knew that he wouldn't be able to also be with Gon, especially if he randomly goes back to his own world. He's getting attached to the jolly young teen and the friends he made as well.

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