Chapter 5

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It had been exactly an hour of waiting in the underground and Saiki was just bored out of his mind. He had already made note of who is weak and who is strong, who can get close and those who can't. Saiki was about to doze off once again, but a trill sound filled the air, making him wide awake. Pushing himself off the wall he was leaning on, the teen made his way towards his group who were not to far away. The trill had stop and a voice had spoken up, catching everyone's attention.

"Sorry for the wait"

Standing in front of the bunch was a tall lanky figure. Their wasn't that much to see but the place where the mouth should be. Saiki may be confused but didn't had much to care either. Sighing out his not-really-problems, the teen zoned back in the exam. However when he did, the people in front began to move. Running is the right word to move. Following along, Saiki ran next to Gon to ask him what was going on.

'What is going on?' asked Saiki telepathically to the now surprised Gon. 

Blinking away his shock, Gon then told him everything. The tall lanky figures name was Satotz, the first examiner. According to the spikey child, he said that he would lead them to the second phase. A frown made its way on Saiki's face, he had been zoning out a lot in the unknown universe he was in to miss some information. He did not like that one bit. Holding back a sigh, Saiki focused on the first phase, which was to follow the tall figure. The pace that they were in had increased gradually, and Saiki had a feeling that they would be running for a while.

It had been two hours, and every applicants were still running, however, some had already dropped to the ground, out of breath. Saiki didn't had to worry so much about his stamina since it was endless, but he did worry a little for Leorio, the guy was already out of breath and was still running. Saiki can't help but praise the guy for running even though he looks like he was about to pass out soon. A drift off air had passed by and in front of the pink headed teen was a silver headed child riding a skateboard.

"Hey Kid! Wait up" shouted Leorio, said kid turned his head back at him.

"You should show the hunter exam some respect!" continued Leorio as he raised his fist in the air.

"What do you mean?" at that point Saiki wanted to give the kid a high five

"Why are you using a skateboard?" the kid just asked why.

A tick mark appeared on Leorio's face as he glared the kid who just stared back with no expression. Not even a second, Leorio had exploded and said that it was an endurance test, which Saiki had to disagree. Even Gon had voiced it out.

"How old are you?" asked the silver kid.

"12" answered Gon.

The silver kid made a thinking face for a second before he decided to just run beside Gon. The kid did a little trick with the skateboard and landed perfectly next to the excited green headed child. Saiki chuckled inside when his supposed cousin said cool with twinkling eyes and introduced himself the kid doing the same. Making more friends eh, thought Saiki as he saw the children interact. That stopped a bit when the silver head child looked back at him, though it was more like a glance.

"Who's he?" question the silver child to Gon.

With a smile still in his face, Gon slowed down a bit so that he could run next to Saiki, the silver child doing the same without any more question.

"This is my cousin, Saiki and he is 17, Saiki this is Killua, he's the same age as me!" said Gon proudly.

Saiki let out a hum and a curt nod to Killua when they met eyes again, Killua did the same thing. It went quiet for the rest of the run, but then Gon had suddenly stopped out of no where. Without asking why, Saiki stopped as well followed by Killua who walked up to Gon a little. The reason for the stop? There in the far back was Leorio, gasping for air, kneeling on the ground, suitcase next to him. A sigh left the pink heads mouth as he starred at one of his companion on the dirty floor.  

"Gon, let's get going" voiced out Killua, he was trying to get Gon to continue on, but one thing that Saiki learned from the child he was with for only a while, was that he was one to not give up on anything or anyone.

"I'm going to become a Hunter! Damn it all!" shouted Leorio as he somehow unbuttoned his dress top and started to run with energy.

'Suit case' mind told Saiki to Gon who nodded back.

With a huff, Gon used his fishing pole and reeled the running mans suit case into his arms. Saiki once again, wanted to let out a chuckle. Children are so easily entertained, thought Saiki as he continued the run with the now best friends. However, that all changed when the two made a contest, and as fast as lighting, the two were off. Saiki didn't want to use all of his speed since it wasn't that necessary in the first place, then again, he can't lose the sight of Gon. The weight of deciding what to do and not what to do was in his mind, to catch or to not catch. The decision was soon gone when he saw a familiar blonde and tall figure. I'll just run with them instead. 

"Oh, Saiki-san, it's good to see you" said Kurapika as he saw the pink teen run beside him. The teen just nodded.

"Ah, I thought you would never catch up!" smiled Leorio.

Saiki just stared at the tall man before facing up front. Beside him, Kurapika and Leorio had began to have a conversation, but all Saiki did was tuning out from it. He, once again, was not paying attention to the underground surrounding, more like the soon to be ending of the tunnel. They were all running on stairs and it had took him forever to notice it.

"I'm a teenager like you guys!"


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