Chapter 11

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Saiki had never feared a person before due to his powers, but it seemed that one person have managed to be on his fear list. Hisoka, the clown/ joker like figure, was standing behind the physic with his signature smirk with his arms crossed and back against the wall. Silently planning murder, Saiki grabbed the last watch on the stand and soon, static filled the air.

"I should congratulate you for making this far into the hunters exam, but I'm too busy for that" Looking towards the only bright light in the room, the two males faced a screen attached to the wall to see a man with a purple mow hawk. 

"Welcome to the Trick Tower, my name is Lippo. I am the prison warden here, as well as the Third Phase examiner. Multiple routes through this tower have been prepared. You have chosen the path of partnership. Cooperation will be the key if you wish to clear this phase of the exam. One person's selfish behavior can derail both of you. The watch you have, O and X, determines if you are ready or not. Best of luck gentlemen!"  explained Lippo as the screen returned back to emptiness.

Sighing to himself, Saiki faced the barred wall and saw two signs lighting up. O and X. Based on the slight information given, O means you are ready, while X means your not. Slightly turning his head towards the now silent clown, the pink headed teen gestured him to choose one. A chuckle was the response the teen got, but he ignored it as he pressed the agreeing button. Rattling sounds soon filled the air and the once barred path was now opened. Without looking back to see if the other will follow, Saiki walked into the darkness.

_With Gon and his friends_

To say the least, Gon was not happy that he had to separate from his only cousin. He had never spent many days far away from the pink headed, but never thought that one day he had to. Heaving out a heavy sigh, Gon stared at the problem at hand. The third examiner, Lippo, had explained to the four that they needed five people to activate their phase, majority rule. It had already been an hour and no one else had fallen in the same place as them.

"This is getting boring" said Killua as he leaned against the walls around them.

Each of them had already grabbed a watch and was waiting for the fifth person to arrive. Before any of them can complain any further, a thump was heard above them followed by another. Soon, a person had fallen in the room with a grunt escaping them. Once the four adjusted to the light, let's just say that they were not happy.

"Ah, its you!!" shouted Leorio as he pointed a finger at the person before the.

"Tonpa-san" said Gon as he raised a brow at the other man in the room.

"This can't get any worse" whispered Killua as he watched the fat man grab a watch and placed it on his wrist.

_Back with Saiki_

It was nothing but a long walk of silence when Saiki and the clown/joker man had entered their phase. Small torches were their only source of light as they continued to walk the long path ahead of them. Saiki may be quiet, but that doesn't mean that he is patient. It had been a total of three hours and there were no activity of violence anywhere. Frowning to himself, Saiki was about to break a wall until he saw something up ahead. A metal door. Speed walking towards the said door, Saiki missed a smirk that was directed at his small action.  Putting his hand on the door, the pink headed teen expected the door to be locked, and he was right. Clicking his tongue in annoyance, the teen pulled back a fist and punched the door off it's hinges. Walking in without any words, the teen missed the glint in the others eyes. When the two had entered, forced, their way in, a bright light lighten up the area. Looking around, Saiki noticed that it was a fighting arena. There was a huge square in the middle and one tunnel in the other end of them.

"Ah, it seemed that you tow had managed to make your way through the path of yours, but it is to be expected due to the only one way path. Anyways, for this phase, you two will have to fight in order for you to go the the pass. If the prisoners of this tower win however, they will be set free for eternity and you will have to take their place as my prisoner. With that said, lets get this show started"

If Saiki wasn't angry before, he is now. He had no problem with fighting, he was angry that the purple mow hawk examiner didn't mention how many prisoners they had to fight. Before the teen or the clown could do anything else, a laugh was heard around the area. Turning to the source of laughter, there standing in the other end of the tunnel, was a man with a crazy look on his face. 

"So that's why he had called us here!! HAHAHAHah! Very interesting!! I'll enjoy destroying the both of you!!" Not paying attention to the threat against them, Saiki turned to the clown and did something that he really hated to do to the towering male before him. Talking to him through his mind. 

'Do you want to go first?' gestured the teen towards the unknown laughing man.

To say that Saiki was a bit shaken up was a understatement when Hisoka just walked passed by him and unto the a moving escalator. He felt a sense of bloodlust coming from the colorful man but didn't bother to pay much attention to it. Although, Saiki was expecting something to happen on himself from the clown, but he guessed that he was wrong. Pulling his face into a slight frown, the teen just shrugged his shoulders and leaned against the wall, he might as well just watch the fight and see who will become victorious. Even it he knew who would win.

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