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Secrets weren't always meant to be kept. Secrets aren't always the safest things to keep. A secret could hurt someone, or it could be the best thing to ever happen to them. A secret could create a happy ending, or it could destroy everything...


Alpha wasn't like all of the other people her age. Honestly, she was quite different. Her parents were the start of her being different. The name she was given set her out from everyone else, and that was just the beginning.

Alpha planned for her life to change, especially now that she had a daughter, but it seemed the past never wanted her leave. She didn't expect to be saved, and she didn't expect to practically have a bodyguard at all times. She also didn't expect to accidentally show him her powers, or let him into her heart...


Clint was happy with his life, or at least, as happy as he could be. He was able to hang out with his best friend Natasha when he was working, so his life didn't suck. He was quite important where he worked, so he felt appreciated to say the least.

Clint knew how to protect things, since he had done it quite a few times before. Matter of fact, he protected a few people before as well, but none quite like her. She was different, and he liked it. He foolishly let himself fall, but it was one of the best things to ever happen in his life...


Alpha and Clint weren't so different. They didn't have the best life growing up. They had skills unlike many others. They were different, but that's what made them unique and special. She was almost like a breath of fresh air, and he was the rock she needed to hold on to.

Alpha was important to S.H.I.E.L.D, which almost confused Clint. Only Nick Fury knew the truth about her, but soon Clint would too. She and her daughter would become two of the most important people in Clint's life, and he would protect them through anything, even if that meant he had to fight the Devil himself...


A/N: I didn't want to put too many spoilers or anything. This story will have a few chapters to give you guys some information on Alpha and her daughter. I'm not giving the daughter's name until the chapter I write where the girl is born. Until then, the name is a secret, but I know you guys will love it!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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