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Only a couple of months later, the blip happened. For five years, Clint, Alpha, and Arrow had to live without Laura and the other kids. It was devastating, and it took Clint a while to come to terms with the fact that his sister had disappeared. He was hurt, but luckily he didn't run away from his family.

Clint and Alpha lived each day as if it was their last, and they enjoyed the time they had with Arrow. She was their little girl and they would love her forever. When Laura and the other disappeared, Alpha realized that she needed to change things.

So, she went to the court house and picked up the papers she needed. That night, she handed them to Clint, and tears swelled in his eyes. He was going to adopt Arrow as his own daughter, and he couldn't be happier. He already loved the girl as his own.

Time passed after Clint had adopted Arrow, and they lived their life with a little sliver of worry always being there. They didn't know what to expect, but they knew anything could happen. They just hoped that nothing else happened to their small family.

When Natasha had arrived, telling them that they had a way to bring their family back, Alpha and Clint were skeptical. Clint was the only one to go with Natasha, because only a week before, Alpha had found out that she was pregnant. They were having twins, and Clint was over the moon.

The next day, what was left of the Avengers worked together to get their team back, as well as the rest of the people that disappeared. While collecting the stones, they lost Natasha, and Clint had to tell Alpha. The poor girl was devastated, but like they had promised, everyone that had disappeared came back. Alpha would always be thankful to Natasha for that.

Clint didn't return until the next day, and he informed Alpha about the battle that happened between the heroes and Thanos and his alien army. Alpha had been so worried, but luckily almost everyone had survived. Sadly, Tony had sacrificed himself for everyone, and Alpha felt horrible for his wife and their little girl.

During Tony's funeral, Alpha told Pepper that she'd be there for her and Morgan if they ever needed anything. Truth be told, Alpha and Pepper had become good friends over the time the Avengers had formed. Alpha would never leave her friend behind, especially in a time of despair.

Months later, Alpha gave birth to her and Clint's twins; Natasha Ruby Barton and Anthony Adam Barton. The twins were beautiful, and a complete mix of their parents. Arrow loved her little brother and sister so much, to her they were her babies.

Laura had wondered why they hadn't given creative names to the twins like Alpha and Arrow had, so Clint promised to give their next child a creative name. Alpha had never agreed to another child, but everyone knows that life works out the exact way its supposed to.

Over the next couple of years, Clint and Alpha welcomed two other children, a boy named Zeppelin Gregory, and a girl named Hendrix Carson. Their house was full of children, but they absolutely loved each one of them. They were all special in their own little way, and they couldn't ask for a better family.

They'd always miss the people they had lost, and the people they were able to say goodbye to. Steve had went back in time to be with Peggy Carter, so Clint and Alpha had been given a chance to say goodbye to him, unlike they had with Natasha and Tony. Tony and Natasha would always be in their hearts, and they'd cherish them for everything they did for their families and for the world...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. That's the end! I'm sorry it's so short, but I hope you guys liked it anyway.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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