Chapter Eleven

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Months had passed, and everything was going great between Alpha and Clint. They had admitted that they loved each other, and Arrow had accidently called Clint "Dad," but the name stuck for him. It was all perfect, but everyone knew everything couldn't stay perfect. It all had to have a point of reckoning eventually.

Clint had been called to watched over something for Fury. The problem was, nobody knew anything about it. Then, out of nowhere, Loki popped up and all hell broke loose. Alpha had recieved a call from Natasha that said that Clint had been compromised. She was also told that Fury wanted her to be a part of the Avengers initiative.

At first, Alpha wasn't too sure about it, but eventually she agreed. Natasha came and picked her up, then the two went and got Bruce Banner, better known as the Hulk. The Avengers team consisted of Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America, and Tony Stark, better known as Iron Man. Eventually, Loki's brother, Thor, joined the Avengers as well.

The team worked together to get Clint back, then they all had to fight the Chitauri. The aliens were kind of hard to fight, but it wasn't impossible. Once they won, Clint and Alpha were able to go back home to their family.

Barely six months later, Clint and Alpha were called to take down a HYDRA base and get Loki's staff. Tony did retrieve the staff, but Clint was hurt. Alpha had to act as though she wasn't concerned out of her damn mind. She scolded him later for listening to the fools, when he should've listened to her and kept his back to the tree.

Anyway, the team ended up being attacked by a thing Tony and Bruce had created, it's name was Ultron. Ultron escaped, and had recruited two teenagers, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. The teenagers were twins, and they had powers thanks to HYDRA. They were labeled as dangerous, since Wanda was able to mess with people's minds.

Clint and Alpha had decided to bring the team to their house to lay low and recuperate. The team got to meet all of the children, and they were surprised that they hadn't heard about anyone. When they met Arrow, they were shocked at how much the mother and daughter looked alike. Tony even joked that she got none of Clint's looks, and neither parent corrected him for him to thar she wasn't Clint's.

Later, Clint and Alpha went with Natasha to get whatever Ultron was after. Ultron ended up taking Natasha, and the couple were terrified for her. They wanted her back, but they had to get the thing to Stark. Once they had gotten it to him, they began to work on finding Natasha.

Steve brought the twins back with him, and soon everyone headed to Sokovia to beat Ultron, including the thing that Tony had created named Vision. The team had to fight hundreds of bots and save as many people as possible. It was almost impossible, but they managed to pull through.

Sadly, Pietro ended up losing his life when he saved Clint and a small child. Alpha cried over Pietro, but she was eternally grateful for him and his sacrifice. If it wasn't for him, Clint wouldn't have made it, and she would've lost the one man that she truly loved in the world.

Clint and Alpha stopped doing so much for the Avengers after Clint almost died. Alpha just figured it was safer to stay home. They wouldn't put themselves in danger, and they'd always be there for their little girl. She needed her parents more than the world needed super heroes.

Months later, Clint and Alpha were contacted about the Sokovia Accords. The couple refused to sign, and decided that they were going to be retired. Only a few days later, they were contacted by Steve to help him protect his best friend, Bucky Barnes. Alpha didn't know Bucky, so she decided to stay home.

Steve understood and held no ill-will towards the woman. It was days before Alpha seen Clint again, and that was because he had been arrested for helping Steve save Bucky. Clint was put on house arrest to stay with his family, and it seemed to truly work out well for them.

Over the time that Clint was under house arrest, the two got engaged, and eventually they married. Natasha had secretly been at the wedding, since the wedding was small and almost nobody had been invited. They wanted it that way so that Natasha could come without being seen by anyone.

Also, over that time, Alpha and Clint had began to work on a house. They were building another house on the property, so that they wouldn't have to live with Laura forever. They loved Laura, but they didn't want the woman to feel stuck with them for eternity. They knew that she would eventually want her own place, and they completely understood why.

It took many months, but they were able to complete their house. Arrow was able to help them decorate her own room. It was covered in decorations from all of her favorite things, but the parents were just happy that the little girl loved her room. She didn't refuse to sleep in it, she always wanted to sleep in her own room with all of her cool things. It honestly turned out way better than they thought it would...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. There's only one chapter left, and again, I am so sorry this book is so short. I promise I didn't plan for that to happen.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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