Chapter Nine

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Living with Laura and her kids was different from when she lived with only Clint and Arrow, but Alpha liked the change a bit. She and Clint had officially moved everything that they needed from Alpha's house to Laura's, so everything else they had left was going to be sold. Alpha would've kept the old place, but since it wasn't really safe, she didn't actually see a good reason to keep it.

Alpha was still able to work often, but when she wasn't working, she was taking care of Arrow or helping Laura. Clint worked on the house a bit, after he had decided it needed a lot of work done to it. Alpha often brought him out drinks or food when he was busy, since she knew he wouldn't come inside until whatever he was working on was finished. He wanted the house to be perfect for Arrow, as well as Laura's kids.

"Y'know, he really likes you. You two might not have talked about really being together yet, but I have a feeling you two will be together soon," Laura commented, as she and Alpha sat at the bar together,"You might have to be the one to start everything though. My brother is a little slow sometimes, and he also really doesn't know how to approach things like this very well." She added, smiling over at Alpha.

"Do you think he really wants to start a relationship with me though?" Alpha asked, biting her lip,"I mean, I have a child, if things don't work out, it'll hurt all three of us. Besides, he and Arrow already have a bond, if he and I don't work, he'll have to be around Arrow still, otherwise she'll be devastated." She rambled, causing Laura to nod.

"He knows about all the risks, believe me. I've already talked to him before about this, but he's still too nervous to make a move. He wants to be with you, he does, but you'll have to be the one to initiate it, otherwise you'll be waiting a long time." Laura said, making Alpha laugh slightly.

"Y'know what?" Alpha started, looking over at Laura,"I'll go talk to him now. He's out back anyway, so it's not like he can worry about everyone watching him." She commented, and Laura grinned.

"Go for it," She replied,"I've got Arrow. You have nothing to worry about." She added, lightly pushing the girl out of the door.

Alpha walked out of the house and off of the porch, then she looked around until she found Clint. Clint was on the backside of the house, fixing some of the old siding that was coming off. Alpha could tell Clint had fixed up the house quite a bit, but he wasn't going to stop until everything was fixed. When Alpha walked over, Clint glanced up and smiled at her.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked, placing his hammer down on the ground next to him.

"I had a talk with Laura and--" She began, before Clint cut her off.

"Oh, please don't tell me you think I should stop working on the house for a few days, too. She's been hounding me about it; saying I need to take a break and spend time with everyone. I'm just trying to make this house as safe as possible. I want it to be a good place for the kids to grow up, and I want it to bring good memories. I don't want the kids to look back and remember an ugly, dilapidated house when they are telling stories to their friends or--" Clint rambled, trying to defend his hard work, before Alpha leaned forward and place her lips on his.

Clint was shocked at first, but only a second or two went by before he began to kiss her back. He slowly stood to his feet, placing one hand on the small of her back, and the other hand in her hair. After a few moments, the two pulled apart and took silent heavy breaths.

"I was not expecting that." Clint murmured, and Alpha smiled.

"I know, but you wouldn't stop talking. Honestly, I came out here to say you should stop being a wimp and tell me that you want to finally be with me." Alpha replies, causing Clint to chuckle.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want to push you. I didn't want you to do anything you weren't comfortable with, especially since you have Arrow to think about." He said, making her nod.

"Yes, but so do you. You've been a great guy to the both of us. Hell, you're like a father to her, with everything you've done for her. I know it might be a little awkward at first, but I think us being together would be a good idea. You're such a great guy, and Arrow absolutely adores you. I just hope you feel the same way about us." She commented, and Clint smiled.

"Of course, I do. I adore both of you," He replied, placing one hand on her hip, and the other hand under her chin to pull her close,"you're my girls, and I'll always want you in my life." He added, before placing his lips on hers once again.

Laura watched from her bedroom window with a smile on her face. She was happy that Clint and Alpha were finally together, even if it was just the beginning stages. Of course, the two would have to have dates and such, but Laura had a feeling they would last forever. The woman held Arrow in her arms, and she pointed down to the two in the yard. Arrow didn't really know what was going on, but she smiled nonetheless. She could see the two people she loved most, and that would always bring a smile to her little face.

"Everything is going to be better than ever." Laura said to the little girl, as she kissed the top of her head.

Alpha and Clint were finally together, and Laura refused to let anything tear them apart...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I am so sorry for not updating in a long time. I had a lot of things thrown on me at once, and then I got sick to top it all off. I'm better now, so everything will run smoothly, at least for a while.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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