Chapter Ten

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Alpha and Clint had been together for almost a month before they were given the chance to go out on a date. Arrow didn't want them to leave her for very long, since she was a small child and still really attached to Alpha's hip. Alpha didn't mind though, she loved her daughter to pieces.

Laura had offered to watch over Arrow for the two to go on a date. Alpha didn't want to push her daughter on someone else, but she really wanted to go on a date with Clint. It was something that she had practically dreamed about for weeks.

For the date, Alpha had dressed up real nice, and made sure that she looked presentable for anything. She wasn't sure what Clint had planned, but she had a feeling it was going to be nice. Clint had gotten Laura's help with picking the perfect date, so Alpha had a feeling it was going to be good.

By the time she was dressed and ready, it was time for her and Clint to leave

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By the time she was dressed and ready, it was time for her and Clint to leave. They said their goodbyes to Laura and all the kids, before they went out to Clint's truck. Clint drove them to a nice restaurant, and Alpha was definitely impressed.

The inside of the place was beautiful, and the staff were all very nice. She had ordered a tea, and Clint had ordered a soda. The two then picked out their foods, Clint chose steak and a baked potato, and Alpha chose cheese tortellini. Alpha wasn't always sure about restaurants, but she knew that most couldn't mess up a pasta dish.

After dinner, they ordered dessert. Clint ordered a chocolate lasagna, and Alpha ordered a chocolate mousse. Alpha wasn't a huge fan of chocolate, but she could never say no to mousse. That was one thing that always made her want chocolate. She hated fudge though, so if anyone ever thought it was a good idea to get her fudge, they would be poorly mistaken.

Anyhow, after the restaurant, Clint took Alpha to go see a movie. A new Fast and Furious movie was out, and she absolutely loved the series. She had watched all the ones that had already been released quite a few times. She could probably recite all the movies from her memory with how many times she had watched them, and she was sure that she'd never get tired of them. Her favorite characters were Han and Roman.

For an hour after the movie had finished, Alpha sat and theorized with Clint about what could happen in the next movie. Clint loved how passionate she was about the movies, and he could listen to her talk about them for hours. Her eyes would light up every time she talked about them, and he loved seeing the little sparkle that glinted when she did.

Clint then took her to a flower field, and the two laid in the field and watched the sunset. Alpha was never truly a romantic, but with Clint it was hard not to be. He was so sweet and kind to her. He always did things to make her happy or make her smile when she didn't always want to. He was the perfect man for her, and she was glad that she had met him.

Honestly, if she hadn't met him, and instead was stuck with other agents, she probably would've never met the man of her dreams. No man could even compare to Clint. He was like walking perfection, and she was slowly falling in love with him. Hell, she really didn't know if she wanted to count it as slowly or not. She really wad falling fast, and she didn't want to admit just how fast it was.

When the sun had finally set, the two got up from the ground and brushed the dirt off of their clothes. They then headed back to Clint's truck and climbed inside. Before they headed home, Alpha decided that she wanted to treat the kids and Laura. So, she and Clint stopped at the store to pick up the stuff they needed for root beer floats.

The moment they arrived home, they knew the date night was over, but they didn't mind. They brought the groceries inside and put them on the kitchen counter. They then began to make root beer floats for everyone. The children absolutely loved it, since they didn't get to have things like that often. Arrow thought it was the best thing she ever had, considering she had never tried it before.

After having root beer floats, Clint and Alpha went up to their bedroom to change into their pajamas. They then grabbed Arrow to put her to bed. She was a little wired up from the ice cream, but it wasn't too bad. After laying with them for a while she finally fell asleep, and was able to be moved to her own bed. For the rest of the night, Alpha dreamed about the wonderful date she had went on with Clint, and she hoped to go on another one like it soon...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I'm sorry to say that this Clint story will be really short. There are only a couple more chapters left before it is finished. It's just that, I really don't have as much inspiration for this story as my others. I hope you guys understand. I just wanted to get this story finished, so you guys don't have to read something not completed.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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