Chapter Seven

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Days had passed since Arrow's birthday, and things between Clint and Alpha had changed a bit. They seemed closer than they had been when he first arrived. Alpha wasn't too sure about the progression, but she wasn't going to complain. As long as Clint didn't cause any drama for her and Arrow, she would accept the progression of the friendship.

"Alpha, Arrow needs more cookies! Where are they at?!" Clint exclaimed from downstairs, causing Alpha to roll her eyes playfully.

"They're above the fridge!" She called back, finishing her last bit of paperwork for the day.

As Alpha was walking down to the living room to check on Clint and Arrow, she heard a knock on her front door. Eyebrows furrowing, she looked over at Clint wondering if he had known who was at the door. Clint stood up, ready to defend Arrow and Alpha at any moment, and when Alpha opened the door she sighed seeing Fury.

"Stand down, Barton, there's no need to attack me." Fury said, causing Clint to chuckle.

"What's up?" Alpha asked, as she invited Fury into her home.

"Barton, your sister has contacted us. According to her, she was given the number to call to find you." Fury stated, looking over at Clint.

"What? Why did she call?" He asked, unsure of why his sister had tried to call, since she hadn't tried to find him in years.

"She said things had gotten too far, and that she wants to go back to how things use to be. She also wants you to meet her kids." Fury replied, causing Clint to nod.

"So, she wants me to go see her?" He asked, and Fury nodded,"Where is she?"

"She said she's at your family's old farm house. I looked into it, and that's the perfect safe house--" Fury began, before Clint cut him off.

"We're not getting my sister involved in this." Clint said, but Fury simply frowned.

"That farm house would stay completely off of all charts. Nobody would know about it but us," He began, sighing slightly,"It would be safer for Arrow, Barton. Nobody would attack the farm house, and she'd be able to grow up like a normal child." He added, seeming to want to try and talk Clint into making the farmhouse a safe house.

"Fine!" He exclaimed,"Give us a couple hours to pack some things up. I'll talk to Laura today, and see what she says. If she agrees, we'll move in there with her, and we'll make that our safe house. If she doesn't agree, we don't talk about it again." He stated, and Fury nodded.

"Pack clothes, if she agrees, you come back here and pack the rest of your things. Let me know what happens." Fury said, causing Clint to nod once, before Fury left.

"How was I not asked what I want? Why did he act like being here is going to ruin Arrow's life? Why does it sound like he believes only you can protect her?" Alpha rambled, groaning quietly,"Sometimes I really want to kick his ass!" She exclaimed, and Clint laughed.

"I agree," He replied, before looking over at Arrow,"I guess we should get started on packing clothes." He added, causing Alpha to nod slightly.

"It can be Arrow's naptime while we pack. It shouldn't take more than an hour." She said, as she walked over to Arrow and picked her up.

Arrow laid her head against Alpha's shoulder, smiling at Clint when they passed him. Clint wouldn't openly tell Alpha, at least not yet, but he was starting to develop feeling for her. She was beautiful, caring, and the more time they spent together, the more he realized she was really smart and could do anything she set her mind to. He still didn't know what her powers were, but he hoped to find out soon. He never asked though, since he figured it was possibly personal.

"You haven't talked to your sister in years, how is he so sure she'll agree to us staying with her?" Alpha commented, as Clint helped her get boxes ready to pack clothes.

The three were going to bring suitcases with clothes, but they were also packing boxes with clothes and stuff in case Laura agreed to them staying with her.

"I have no idea, but I have a feeling he talked to her more than he's told us." Clint replied, shaking his head slightly with irritation.

"I hope your sister likes me, if she doesn't that would be very awkward." She commented, chasing Clint to laugh.

"Laura is one of the nicest people in the world. Yes, we had a falling out, but that was when she was still with her husband. I have a feeling she's not with him anymore, otherwise she wouldn't contact me. Besides, I have to meet her children, and she will love to meet you and Arrow." He said, causing Alpha smiled.

"You talk as though Arrow and I are your family." She murmured, and Clint smiled shyly to himself.

"I mean, aren't you?" He asked rhetorically,"We live together, I help raise Arrow. It's like we're a family, and I'm not ashamed to say I like the idea. It's a nice thought that I have a family to come home to after going on a mission, or after a hard day at work." He commented, causing Alpha to bite her lip.

"I like it, too." She replied, her cheeks heating slightly.

The two would have to talk about things further, but they didn't have the time to do that for now. The talk may take weeks to actually happen, but Alpha and Clint knew they'd be able to talk about things further later on. Neither person wanted to push the other farther than they were ready to go, so it was like walking on eggshells a bit. Eventually things would become more fluid and normal, but until then, they'd have to see where things went and go with the flow...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I actually wrote this chapter while listening to Jeremy Renner, Eminem, and 50 Cent. It's the weirdest combination of music, but it helps my creativity.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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