Chapter Eight

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Alpha was a little nervous to meet Laura Barton, since she didn't know the woman at all. Clint swore Laura would love Alpha and Arrow, but the woman didn't want to get her hopes up. Clint drove her and Arrow to his family's farmhouse. When they arrived, Alpha stepped out of the vehicle, and Clint went and got Arrow out of her car seat.

"Clint!" Alpha heard, causing her to turn.

A woman with dark hair was stood in the doorway of the farmhouse with a smile on her face. Clint waved at his sister, then he grabbed Alpha's hand and lead her towards the farmhouse. When they got to the door, Laura leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Clint. The woman then turned to Alpha and hugged her as well. 

"Nick Fury told me about you and your daughter. He didn't tell me much, but he said Clint lived with you both." Laura said, smiling at the woman.

"Clint talked about you almost the whole ride here. I was almost surprised to hear him talk so much at one time." Alpha commented, causing both women to laugh.

Clint rolled his eyes and playfully pushed Alpha's shoulder, before Laura motioned for them to come inside.

"I was surprised to hear from you after everything that happened." Clint commented, causing his sister to frown.

"I know, and I'm sorry. Everything's better now though. Mark is gone and he isn't coming back. The kids are happier, and they're excited to meet you. They're actually waiting in their rooms to meet you." Laura stated, and Clint smiled.

"Alpha and I are more than happy to meet them. Arrow is too, she's just too fascinated by everything around her right now to talk." Clint replied, as Alpha merely nodded in agreement.

Before Laura could call the kids down, Alpha pinched Clint's side. Clint narrowed his eyebrows at her after jumping slightly, but Alpha gave him a look, causing Clint to sigh.

"Laura, before you call the kids down, we need to talk to you about something serious." Clint commented, causing Laura to nod.

"Fury came to us, so this was all his idea." Alpha murmured, and Clint chuckled.

"Laura, Fury and I feel like this house is safer than Alpha's house. Her house has already been attacked once, and I want to keep her and Arrow safe. So, I was wondering if maybe we could move in here with you. This would be our safehouse, and nobody would know about it. Fury promised to keep everything to himself; not even putting it on paper. It's your choice, and we'll agree with whatever you choose." Clint said, causing Laura to sigh.

"I do want to give Arrow and Alpha a safer place to live, and I'd love to be able to see you, since we haven't spoke in years, but I don't want to be put in danger. Are you sure Fury is going to keep everything to himself and nothing will happen to us?" Laura asked, and Clint nodded quickly.

"I wouldn't agree to even asking you until Fury said he was going to keep everything under the table." Alpha commented, making Laura nod.

"Alright," She began,"You three can move in. I have a couple rooms empty, but you two will have to share. I have a feeling you won't complain about it though." Laura said, causing Alpha to blush lightly, and Clint to chuckle nervously.

"We'll have to go pack tomorrow, but we have clothes in the car for tonight. Thank you, Laura." Clint replied, and his sister smiled.

"Anything for family," She answered,"I'll go get the kids now." She added, before walking away.

Laura went upstairs to get her children, and when they came downstairs, the two children smiled at Clint and Alpha. When Arrow seen the shorter people, she giggled and waved her hand.

"Introduce yourselves." Laura said, smiling down at her children.

"I'm Cooper." The boy murmured, staring at the couple.

"And I'm Lila." The little girl added, waving slightly.

"Nice to meet you both, I'm your uncle Clint," Clint said,"and this is Arrow." He added, grinning at the baby in his arms.

"Hi Arrow." Lila cooed, as she grabbed the baby's hand gently.

"Oh, that's Alpha. You can call her Aunt Ali." Clint commented, pointing to his friend.

He hoped having her called Aunt Ali would make her want to be his girlfriend sooner. He didn't want to push the relationship too quick, but he also wanted her and her daughter to feel comfortable and feel like a part of the family.

"Cooper, do you want to help Aunt Ali and I bring in their bags?" Laura asked, looking down at her son.

"Sure," Cooper replied,"C'mon Mom and Aunt Ali." He added, heading toward the front door.

Alpha tried to give the boy the lightest bag, but the boy refused to take the smallest bag. Instead he took Alpha's bag and the diaper bag. Alpha grabbed Clint's bag, as Laura grabbed the small bag that held extra things for Arrow.

"I have a playpen in storage that you can use for the night, if you want." Laura commented, and Alpha nodded.

"That would be perfect, thank you." Alpha replied, causing Laura to simply smile in return.

Laura lead Alpha to the room Alpha would be sharing with Clint, before she also showed the woman where Arrow was going to stay once all of the baby's things were at the farmhouse. For the night, Arrow would be staying in the room with Clint and Alpha. The bed was quite large in the room she and Clint were given, and she was glad there wasn't a big bed in Arrow's room, otherwise there'd be a lot of hard work being done to take the bed out.

"Thank you, Laura, honestly. You didn't have to accept us into your home, especially when you know all of the risks." Alpha said, and Laura grasped the girl's hand lightly.

"You're family," She replied,"You and Clint are meant to be together, and your daughter is practically his as well. The three of you are a family, and you're both a part of our family. We protect our family." Laura stated, before pulling the girl into a hug.

Alpha hadn't recieved such kindness in her life, other than Clint, Natasha, and Fury at times, but Laura was an angel. Alpha was glad she was accepted as a part of the woman's amazing family...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I kind of feel like Laura and Alpha would make the perfect best friends.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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