Chapter Five

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Almost as soon as she woke up, Alpha went and took a quick shower, before slipping on the outfit she decided she was going to wear for Arrow's birthday party. Technically, it wasn't much of a party, since the only people attending were Clint and Natasha, but for a baby, that was a party. When Alpha left her room to check on Arrow before going to the kitchen, she couldn't keep the smile off her face when she seen Clint in Arrow's nursery. Clint was holding Arrow, as she laid her head on his chest and rubbed the sleep from her eyes with her tiny fists.

"I'm going to start on the preparation." Alpha announced, after lightly tapping on the door of the nursery to get Clint's attention.

"Nat texted last night and said she'll be here around eleven." Clint said, causing Alpha to nod.

"Make sure she knows she doesn't have to dress up for Arrow's birthday." Alpha murmured, and Clint chuckled.

"As if Nat would wear anything boring to Arrow's birthday." Clint replied, making Alpha sigh dramatically.

"I'm going to look like a scrub standing next to her." Alpha complained, causing Clint to frown.

"No you won't, I think you look--I mean, I think you'll look just as good as Nat. You two will compliment each other." He said, trying to cover up that he had totally checked her out.

"Whatever you say." She answered, before turning around and leaving the nursery.

Alpha went straight to the kitchen and grabbed her cake pans, before beginning to make the cakes. She was making a layered cake, as well as a single small cake for Arrow to eat alone. While she was baking, Clint was dressing Arrow for her birthday. By the time the cakes were cool and Alpha was able to start decorating, Clint came down with Arrow. He turned on a cartoon for Arrow in the living room, before going to the kitchen where Alpha was working.

"You're making quite a bit of cake for three of us to eat

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"You're making quite a bit of cake for three of us to eat." He commented, causing the girl to laugh.

"I know we'll send a good bit with Natasha, and I'll have to send some to Fury. Technically it isn't as much as you think once we pack some up for Natasha and Fury." Alpha replied, and Clint chuckled.

Clint helped Alpha put white frosting down on the cakes, before laying the layers down how she wanted them. Once the cakes were covered in white buttercream frosting, Alpha began to decorate them using colorful buttercream frosting, modeling chocolate, and colored fondant. She had spent most of the night before creating things with the fondant and chocolate. Clint wasn't amazing at making cakes, so he went back to Arrow for a while, knowing Alpha needed to focus.

About an hour later, Alpha finished decorating the cakes. To her, the cakes looked amazing. She was honestly quite happy with how they turned out. As she was adding the finishing touches, she heard her front door open and Natasha's voice ring through the house.

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"Where's my little Arrow?!" She called out, as she carried in many presents for the little girl

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"Where's my little Arrow?!" She called out, as she carried in many presents for the little girl.

Clint quickly went over and grabbed the gifts, as Arrow ran over to Natasha on her wobbly legs. Arrow wasn't an amazing walker, but she had just started walking on her own. Soon she'd be a pro at it, but for now she was just a little slow and wobbly. Natasha picked the little girl up and peppered her face with kisses, causing the little girl to giggle.

"Fury sent a few gifts, but they're out in the car. I didn't have enough hands to carry everything." Natasha said, causing Clint to groan.

Clint ran out to Natasha's car and grabbed a few more gifts, as Alpha began to make more food. For the food, she was making pizza for the adults and macaroni and cheese for Arrow. She was going to allow Arrow to try the pizza, but she knew there was a chance the girl wouldn't like it, so she had to have something for her to eat.

"Watch the timer. In five minutes the second pizza comes out of the oven," Alpha commented,"I have to finish wrapping a couple of gifts, then I'll be back down here." She added, and the other two adults nodded.

"Could you grab the gifts from my room?" Clint asked,"They're on my dresser." He said, causing the girl to agree.

Alpha quickly ran off to her room to finish wrapping gifts, as Natasha and Clint sat together with Arrow.

"I don't know if she sees it, but I can tell you have a thing for her." Natasha commented, causing Clint to frown.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He replied, denying everything.

"You know I can tell when you're lying," Natasha retorted,"Besides, I have a feeling she likes you, too." She added, making Clint smile slightly.

Clint did have a thing for Alpha, but he wasn't going to make it obvious. He didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. Besides, he wasn't even sure if she had a thing for him too or not. She was probably still getting over her ex, even though it had been almost two years since she seen him last. Honestly, Clint wanted to beat the hell out of her ex, after Alpha had told him everything about the guy. Natasha planned to threaten the guy if she ever seen him in public, but she promised Alpha she wouldn't go to the guy and start problems on purpose.

Clint and Natasha's conversation was cut short, when the timer went off for the pizza. Clint stood up and pulled the pizza from the oven, before grabbing the pizza cutter and cutting the pizza up into eight slices like the other one. When Clint looked over at Natasha to get the woman to go fetch Alpha, and see if the other woman needed any help, he seen Arrow signing 'hungry' to Natasha.

"Are you hungry, Arrow? Do you want food?" Clint asked, causing the girl to nod quickly.

"I'll get her in her high chair. You fix her food and juice." Natasha said, and Clint nodded.

As Clint fixed the food, Alpha came down with a box full of gifts. She set the box down and emptied the gifts on to the table with the other ones, before placing the box near the table for garbage later...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I don't want their relationship to go too fast, but obviously things will have to progress in some way. There'll probably be a couple more years between movies than normal, but it's just for the story. If you're not happy with it, than I'm sorry, but I'm not changing what I'm doing.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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