Chapter One

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Escape was all Alpha could think of, and it's exactly what she did. The moment she was given the chance, she turned invisible and ran for her life. She had been experimented on for over a year and she was tired of it. At first, she had been completely terrified, but after a while, she just became more and more pissed off. Due to the experiments, the girl was given the ability to turn invisible, turn things she wanted to invisible with a simple touch, walk through things while invisible, and have people or objects do the same if she was touching them. Her power was pretty cool, but that didn't make her happy to be experimented on either.

Once she had gotten away, she found a random person's house and grabbed some of their clothes. She then ran for her life and boarded a plane, trying to get as far away from the base as possible. The plane took her to Queens, New York, which worked fine for her. While in Queens, she met a man by the name of Jeremiah Davies. Jeremiah used her weakness to his advantage, and made her fall for him.

Over time, she was practically completely under his spell. She listened to him every time he told her to do something. She believed every word he said, even if the words were degrading or belittling towards her. Most times, she would look at herself in the mirror and either let the words make her hate herself, or she would hate herself for believing everything Jeremiah said to her.

She did everything for the man; meaning she cooked, she cleaned, and she satisfied him whenever he wanted her to. She believed it was love, but it wasn't, not even in the slightest. She didn't even realize just how toxic her environment was until everything changed. The woman had become sick recently, and Jeremiah made her to go the doctor, saying he didn't want to catch whatever flu she was carrying around.

While at the doctor's appointment, she found out that she was two months pregnant, which made her ecstatic. She ran home with a smile on her face, only for the smile to leave when she entered the home. In their room was Jeremiah having sex with another girl. When he seen Alpha enter the room, all he did was smirk at her.

"You want to join?" Was all he asked, before he made sure to bring the girl underneath him to her orgasm.

Alpha was devastated, and rightfully so. She had just watched her boyfriend of many years, riding a woman as if he had been deprived of sex for the last year. She was even angrier when he had the nerve to ask her if she wanted to join them. So, with what little mind she had that wasn't going nuts, she stomped over to the closet and grabbed her suitcase.

"What are you doing?" Jeremiah asked, still completely nude.

"I'm packing up and leaving. What does it look like I'm doing?" She retorted, causing Jeremiah to chuckle.

"C'mon babe, don't be like that. You can join us. Kelly will go down for either of us. She's pretty good at giving head. I wouldn't doubt she knows her way around yours, too." He commented, as if what he had just done was some joke.

"No, I'm done. I need to leave. This isn't healthy for me, or for my baby." She said, causing him to frown.

"Baby?" He asked, and she nodded.

"I'm having a baby. That's why I've been sick." She answered, but he quickly shook his head.

"No, you mean you were having a baby, but you're not anymore. Tomorrow morning, you'll go straight to that hospital and get an abortion." He spat, but she denied it.

"I'm leaving. Stay away from me and my baby." She stated, before walking towards the door.

"Alpha!" Jeremiah shouted, but it was no use, Alpha had left the building.

Alpha had wandered the streets for a while, trying to find a place for her to stay. The woman was surprised beyond belief when she was approached by a man with an eye patch. He reminded her of a fairytale pirate.

"Alpha Martinez." He said, causing her to cross her arms.

"And you are?" She asked, her face as hard as stone.

"Nick Fury. I am head of a meta-human regulation organization named S.H.I.E.L.D, and I'd like for you to join us." He replied, making her frown.

"What's in it for me?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"A place to stay, is a start. I have just recieved word that you're expecting, so if you join us, I'll make sure you and your child have a safe place to live." He stated, making her nod slightly.

"I know it's a lot to ask, but can we keep my identity and powers a secret? I'd rather not have people find out." She commented, and he nodded.

"I'll see what I can do. For now, we'll find you a place to stay." He replied, motioning for her to follow him.

Alpha walked beside Fury silently, only answering when he asked her questions or directly spoke to her. She was grateful that he was finding her a place to stay, especially since she was pregnant, but she wanted to know what the catch was. Never in her life had anything come without a catch. Even at a y ok ung age she had learned this the hard way. Her parents split when she was little; her father being a druggie and her mother being an alcoholic. They had finally decided to get back together and try to be sober when Alpha was sixteen, only for them to be murdered by Hydra. Alpha just wasn't very trusting of anything after that, and she had good reason to feel the way she did. Honestly, she wondered if her life would ever get easier, but it seemed that was never going to happen...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. This chapter is more of a backstory chapter, but the outfit in the media is what she is wearing when she meets Nick Fury.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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