Chapter Six

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Clint set some macaroni and cheese in a bowl, before laying the bowl in front of Arrow. Arrow picked up the noodles with her hands and placed them in her mouth. Alpha grabbed three plates, and she, Natasha, and Clint fixed themselves a couple slices of pizza. Alpha had made one Hawaiian pizza and one four meat pizza. Natasha liked both, whilst Alpha liked Hawaiian and Clint liked four meat.

"I don't understand how you could eat pineapple on pizza. It's a fruit, so it really doesn't belong on a pizza." Clint commented, causing Alpha to scoff.

"As if," She retorted,"You're eating enough meat to put a person into cardiac arrest."

"At least they'd die happy," He answered,"and did you know, pineapples eat away at your insides while you're eating it?" He asked, making her roll her eyes playfully.

"It's just the acidity. I can totally handle it." She replied, and he chuckled.

Natasha simply stayed out of the argument, since she liked both pizzas and really didn't have an opinion on which one was the better pizza. When Clint looked over at Arrow to see if she needed more macaroni and cheese, he seen her staring at his pizza. Smirking to the two women, he leaned over to Arrow and let her take a small bite from his pizza. As soon as the pizza was in her mouth, her eyes widened and she practically bounced with happiness. She signed 'more' to Clint before she was even finished chewing her first bite.

"It seems Arrow likes the meaty pizza as well. She's not crazy like her mother and Auntie Nat." Clint commented, causing both women to roll their eyes.

"Do you want to try Mommy's pizza?" Alpha asked, as she showed the different pizza to Arrow.

"No t'anks." She replied, causing Alpha to narrow her eyes when Clint began to laugh.

Clint fed a little more of his pizza to Arrow, before the little girl decided she was full. Natasha and Alpha cleaned up the food, as Clint cleaned Arrow's face and hands. Once Arrow was clean, Alpha decided it was time for the girl to take a nap. She was going to need a nap before it was time for her to open presents and eat cake.

"Fury said that he was sorry he couldn't come to the party. He was busy at base, but I told him I'd bring his gifts. I also promised him cake, so I'm glad you made plenty." Natasha commented, causing Clint and Alpha to laugh.

"I always make more than I need to make, but I figured you would like to take some home with you, and I knew Fury was going to want some delivered to him." Alpha replied, as she searched for the candle that was a number one.

"These cakes look amazing. Honestly, I'm surprised you were able to make them in such short time." Natasha complimented, and Alpha smiled.

"She was working on the decorations since last night. She told me if I touched anything and messed it up, she would cut off my hands." Clint said, making Natasha laugh.

"You can't mess with perfection, Clint." Natasha replied, causing Alpha to nod in agreement.

About an hour later, Alpha went and woke up Arrow from her nap. Arrow seemed to be excited as soon as she woke up, seeming to know that she had cake and presents waiting for her. Clint handed the little girl her sippy cup, before Alpha slipped her into her high chair once again. Alpha placed the number one candle on the top of the small cake, before Natasha quickly lit it. The three adults sang Happy Birthday to Arrow, before Alpha helped Arrow blow out her candle. Clint removed the candle from the cake, then watched as Arrow placed her hands straight into the cake.

Alpha and Natasha took many pictures of the little girl as she ate the cake. The trio laughed when the little girl leaned forward and shoved her own face into the cake, covering herself in white and pink frosting, as well as the random sprinkles that littered her cheeks, nose, chin, and hands. After the pictures, Alpha cut slices of cake for herself, Natasha, and Clint.

"This cake is amazing." Natasha complimented, as she took a bite.

"I know, she makes desserts like this all the time," Clint commented,"If I didn't keep up with my exercise and training, I would end up fat in a week's time." He added, causing the girls to laugh.

After they were finished with cake, Alpha packaged some for Natasha and some for Fury. She then stored the rest of the cake in a cake holder to preserve it for a while. Arrow had practically destroyed her entire cake, so there wasn't anything to save. Clint cleaned Arrow up, as Natasha went and grabbed all of the gifts.

"You can help her open gifts. Natasha and I will take pictures." Alpha said, and Clint nodded. Clint sat down on the floor with Arrow, as Alpha and Natasha handed them one gift at a time.

"This is from..." Clint began, grabbing the tag,"Uncle Nick." He said, as he helped the little girl open the gift.

Natasha handed them the rest of the gifts from Fury, then from herself. Fury had gotten the girl a few stuffed animals, as well as a few dress up items for when she got older. Natasha had gotten the girl quite a bit, from clothes to toys to blankets. There was quite a bit there, but Alpha knew Arrow liked all of the gifts.

"These are from me." Clint murmured, as he helped the girl open them.

Clint had gotten the little girl a bear that wore an outfit similar to his 'suit,' that also had a stuffed bow and arrow attached to its paw. He had also gotten the girl a couple outfits, a few toys that made noise, and a pair of shoes.

"These are from Mommy." He said, grabbing the last few gifts.

Alpha had gotten the girl new clothes, toys, shoes, and accessories. She had gotten the girl a special stuffed animal, which was a german shepherd puppy, which was named Mose. She had also gotten the girl new lights to go up in her room, since the girl loved twinkle lights. Needless to say, Arrow's birthday had been a success...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I wasn't sure if I wanted to make the party a two parter, but I decided to do so last minute.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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