Chapter Three

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Bringing a baby home to take care of with absolutely no help was hard, but Alpha did it, and she did a pretty good job at it, too. The first few weeks were the worst, but once she had gotten use to the lack of sleep, she didn't have as hard of a time being a mother. She had bought picture frames and scrap books for pictures of Arrow, and surprisingly enough, Alpha was able to capture quite a few pictures of the baby at different stages of her growth. Alpha's life was really looking up, especially now that she had Arrow to love.

Two weeks before Arrow's birthday though, things took a turn. Alpha was in her kitchen fixing herself a glass of tea, as well as a bottle for Arrow, when she heard a noise outside. Her eyebrows furrowed, but when she looked out of her window in the kitchen, her heart almost stopped. There were multiple Hydra agents outside, and she knew they were getting in at any moment. Quickly, the girl set down her tea, and ran to her daughter, picking the baby up in her arms and holding her to her chest.

Alpha placed the nipple of the bottle in Arrow's mouth, to keep the baby from crying and alerting the agents. When only one agent had come inside at first, Alpha kicked him between his legs, successfully bringing him to the ground. She then grabbed his head and brought his face down on to her knee multiple times until he was unconscious. She knew it was going to leave her a nasty bruise, but she had to protect herself and Arrow.

A minute or two went by, before the other agents started storming in. Alpha made herself and Arrow invisible, knowing it was her only hope of staying alive. Grabbing her phone from her pocket, she sent an S.O.S. text to Fury, letting him know she was in trouble, before sliding herself and Arrow into Arrow's closet. It seemed like an hour went by, but really it was only minutes before she heard fighting in her house. She knew Fury had sent someone to help her. As soon as the fighting stopped, she heard voices.

"We should clear out the agents before we go looking for the girl." A woman said, seemingly close to Arrow's room.

"I'll find her. You two get rid of all of them." Fury instructed, causing Alpha to sigh in relief.

She just became visible again, when Fury had come into Arrow's room. Fury stuck his hand out, and once her hand was in his, he pulled her and Arrow up from the floor and out of the closet.

"I was told one of the agents were already knocked unconscious when we got here." Fury commented, looking over at Alpha.

"I, uh, might've slammed his face with my knee until he was unconscious." She replied sheepishly, causing Fury to chuckle slightly.

"You did good, Martinez." He said, as he lead her back to her kitchen.

She watched as a redhead pulled the last agent's body out of her house. She wondered what they were going to do with them, but she honestly didn't care. As long as she and Arrow were safe, she could care less about the Hydra agents.

"How did they find me?" Alpha asked, looking at Fury with worry in her eyes.

"I don't know, but once I figure it out, I'll let you know," Fury replied, just as his two agents came into the house once again,"For now, Agent Barton will be staying here to keep you safe. Agent Romanoff will be around quite often as well, at least until we find out how Hydra found you." Fury stated, causing Alpha to sigh and nod.

Alpha wasn't sure how to feel about having an agent staying in her house at all times, but knowing she and Arrow would be safe made her feel less worried about having an agent around. She couldn't deny that he was good looking either. Honestly, if it was any other situation, she might've just told him that she thought he was pretty hot.

"Well, in that case," Alpha started, turning to the two agents,"Are you hungry? I can make anything taste good." She commented, causing both agents to smile at her.

"I'm not going to lie, she makes great omelets," Fury said, before heading towards the door,"I'm going to leave, but we'll be in contact soon." He added, then he was gone.

"How do you know Fury?" The redhead, Agent Romanoff, asked, looking at the dark haired girl.

Alpha pulled the bottle from Arrow's lips and began to burp her, as she turned back to the agents to answer questions.

"I work for him. He got me this safe house, totally off the charts, so nobody knows about me or where I am." Alpha answered, not disclosing her powers to the agents.

"Can you tell us your name?" The man asked,"Fury never said. He just said we had to help a friend of his." He commented, causing the girl to chuckle.

"My name is Alpha Martinez, and yes, I know Alpha is a weird name, but that's what my parents picked." She said, forcing a smile.

"Well, I'm Clint, and that's Natasha, but we just call her Nat." The man, Clint, replied, as he smiled at the girl.

Natasha could tell that Clint found the girl attractive, but she wasn't too sure about Alpha. She wanted to know why Fury had kept the girl a secret and never told anyone who she was, where she was, or why she worked for him in any way. Natasha wanted to know if the girl was special like the rest of them, but she didn't want to distress the girl, since the girl had a baby that caused her plenty of stress by itself.

"What's her name?" Natasha asked, smiling at the baby.

"Her name's Arrow, and she two weeks away from being a year old." Alpha replied, smiling down at her baby.

"Well, I better be invited to the birthday party." Natasha commented, trying to ease the slight awkwardness in the room.

Clint watched the three from his spot in the kitchen. Alpha and Arrow were very different names, but he liked them. Honestly, he couldn't help but see the irony in Arrow's name. Well, it wasn't really irony, but he thought it was a bit. Clint, the perfect archer with a bow and arrow, saved a baby named Arrow, how ironic in it's own way...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. This one moved a little fast, but obviously the part with her and Clint won't move as fast. I can promise it won't be a story with only twenty chapter because the characters get married by the fifteenth chapter, that's not going to happen.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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