Chapter Four

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Having Clint around wasn't too different for Alpha. He didn't constantly bother her, or cause too much trouble or commotion around the house. He seemed to keep an eye on everything going on, and Alpha took care of work with Fury and things around the house. When Clint was bored, he would pick random things to fix around the house. Recently, he had decided to redo the front porch, and it had only been the first week of him pretty much living with Alpha and Arrow. When Alpha wasn't working, she'd be taking care of Arrow, doing laundry, or cooking.

Alpha did relax often, but she didn't really like being lazy. She could watch a single movie or a couple of episodes of a show, before she had to get up and find something to do, even if it was finding random things to clean or bake when she couldn't find anything to do.

"Clint, lunch is ready." Alpha said, as she stuck her head out of the front door to get Clint's attention.

Over the week that Clint was staying in her home, Alpha had learned that Clint was eighty percent deaf, but he was given hearing aids that were able to help him hear. Luckily the hearing aids made him hear pretty much perfectly, so Alpha didn't have to worry about her or her child's life if Clint wasn't able to hear someone breaking in.

Anyhow, Alpha placed Arrow in her high chair, before placing cut up chicken nuggets on the tray in front of the little girl. Arrow loved chicken nuggets, hotdogs, macaroni and cheese, and mashed potatoes. Obviously Alpha cut the stuff up as small as possible, but sometimes she could only give Arrow a couple of pieces at a time, since the little girl loved to try and shove more than one piece in her mouth at a time.

"What's for lunch?" Clint asked, as he walked inside and went straight to the sink to wash his hands.

"Country fried steak with pepper gravy," Alpha answered,"I'm not southern, but one of my friends from my childhood was. Her mother would make some of the best southern dishes I ever had, and she taught me quite a few, since her daughter never wanted to learn how to cook." She said, as she fixed Clint a plate.

Clint smiled and grabbed a fork, before cutting off a piece and sticking it in his mouth. He hummed with satisfaction and finished chewing, then looked up at the dark haired girl.

"This is great. You're a really good cook." He commented, causing the girl to smile.

"Thank you," She replied, before setting her fork down and biting her lip,"I've decided Arrow's birthday party will be next Saturday. D'you think Natasha will be able to come like she had wanted?" She asked, causing Clint to nod.

"I will let her know, so she can mark it on her calendar, and refuse to go to a mission before Arrow's birthday." He answered, and she nodded as well.

Since meeting Alpha and Arrow, Natasha had decided that she actually really liked the girls. Alpha was different, much like herself, so she felt connected to the girl in some way. Alpha liked Natasha, especially since the woman was so outspoken, she was sweet to Arrow, and she was the only girl Alpha had the chance to be friends with in a long time. Clint liked Alpha and Natasha's friendship, so much do that he was almost jealous of how close the two girls already were to each other.

"Do you want burgers for dinner?" Alpha asked, as she placed a couple more pieces of chicken nuggets down on Arrow's tray.

"Has Arrow had burgers before?" He asked, not wanting to make the woman cook two different meals at a time for dinner every night like she had seemed to do for the last week he was around.

"No, but she can always try it tonight. I'll have fries with the burgers, so if she doesn't like the burgers, she can have fries." Alpha answered, and Clint nodded.

Alpha grabbed her and Clint's empty plates, bringing them over to the sink to wash, as Clint glanced over at Arrow. When Arrow seen Clint's eyes on her, a grin came to her face. Arrow liked Clint, and vice versa, so Arrow seemed to always be happy when Clint was around.

"Hi." She murmured, waving at the man.

"Hello, Arrow." He replied, smiling brightly.

Arrow picked up her sippy cup and put it to her lips, only for her to frown and place it back down. She looked at Clint once again, signing 'more' to him so he knew she needed more juice. Arrow knew quite a bit of sign language from her mother, since Alpha taught her sign language from birth. Alpha believed that sign language would come in handy in the future, as well as through her younger years so she could communicate if she didn't quite know how to say some words. The sign language came in handy around Clint, meaning he could go without his hearing aids if he wanted to, and he could still communicate with Alpha and Arrow. Obviously he wouldn't, since he needed to hear to protect them, but in theory, the sign language would come in real handy.

"More?" Clint asked, causing Arrow to nod, holding her sippy cup out to Clint.

Arrow was a bright girl, even though she was only almost a year old. She didn't know how to say too many words, but she could sign her way through conversations. Obviously most of her answers were only two or three words, but she was still way past many children her age. Sometimes Alpha wondered if Arrow was mute when she was younger, but luckily the girl had started to speak right on time. Clint and Alpha often signed with Arrow when the girl needed a break from noise. Alpha was happy to have such a well behaved baby girl...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I don't want this book to move too fast, but I also know you guys want me to get into some of the action as well. I will definitely try to make everything work out perfectly though.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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