Chapter Two

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The place Fury had gotten her was great. It was secluded, but not too far away from the city. She was around a thirty minute drive away, which she actually enjoyed. The house was a bit of a fixer upper, but she was happy with it. While going through her pregnancy, Alpha fixed everything she could on the house, and when she wasn't working on the house, she was using her computer skills to help Fury. He was the only one who knew about her, and he was the only one who knew where she was. As part of that agreement, Alpha helped him track all of the meta-humans that were low profile like she had been.

Doing this job for Fury got her the money she needed to buy things for her baby. She had entire room made for the baby, and she couldn't wait to finally give birth. The room was completely painted purple with the baby's name written in black old english lettering. One thing Alpha had learned when she was little was calligraphy, and she was amazing at it. In the room, the furniture was all black, and so was the small carpet that adorned the floor near the crib. All of the bedding was purple, as was any blankets, pillows, or other fabric decor around the room.

She had bought the baby quite a few toys, though it would be months before the baby would actually play with the toys. Some of them would help the baby learn, but others just looked cool, and some were for cuddles. Alpha had bought quite a bit of clothes, though she didn't really range in too many colors. Alpha mostly hated the color pink, not completely, but for the most part, so only a few of the baby's clothes were actually pink. Most of the clothes were either purple, black, white, grey, blue, green, or red. There were some other colors splashed around, like yellow, turquoise, orange, and brown, but not too much.

As the time grew closer for the baby's birth, Alpha wasn't able to go up and down her stairs very well. It seemed to become harder and harder as her belly grew bigger and bigger. She was worried she would fall down the stairs from the amount of problems she had going up and down them, but she refused to even accidentally hurt her baby.

In the middle of the night, after a much needed shower, Alpha laid down for a good night's rest. When two o'clock had rolled around, Alpha felt an intense pain in her belly. She let out a groan, as she clutched her belly and tried to sit up. When another pain hit only a few minutes later, Alpha knew exactly what was going on. She was in labor, and she had to call Nick Fury. As soon as the phone had began to ring it was answered.

"Fury." He had said, though Alpha could tell he had been asleep.

"I'm in labor. I can't drive. I need to get to the hospital, quick." Alpha stated, before another contraction hit, and she had to bite back a quiet scream.

"I'll be right there. Hold the baby in until I get you to the hospital." He replied, before the phone went silent.

Alpha rolled her eyes, hoping Fury knew having a baby wasn't like having to use the bathroom, it couldn't exactly be held in once it's time to push. By the time Fury had arrived, Alpha's contractions were almost three minutes apart.

"God, I hate my life." She groaned, as she gripped the pocket of her hoodie, almost ripping it from the hoodie itself.

"You're going to rip your hoodie, then you're going to blame me for it later." Fury stated, causing the girl to glare at him, but she let go of her hoodie pocket.

Moments later, Fury pulled up outside of the hospital. He ran inside and grabbed a wheelchair, before bringing it out to Alpha. He helped Alpha stand up to sit in the wheelchair, only for her water to break all over the ground.

"Thank you for not doing that in my truck." Fury said, causing Alpha to laugh.

"Sure thing, boss." She replied, as a nurse rushed out and set a towel in the wheelchair, before helping Alpha sit in the wheelchair.

Fury handed Alpha's bag and the baby's bag to the nurse, before wishing Alpha good luck. The nurse brought her straight to a room, where she was prepped for delivery. Alpha was lucky enough to be able to get a little bit of medication, but she refused most of it because of her family history of addiction.

"Was the man that brought you here, the father?" The nurse asked, causing Alpha to laugh.

"Oh God no, he's my boss," She answered,"The baby's dad isn't in the picture. When I went to his place to tell him about the baby, I found him in bed with another girl. He didn't even stop having sex with her when he saw me, he just told me to join them. When I finally told him, he told me to abort the baby. I refused, ran away, and now here I am." Alpha said, causing the nurse to smile sympathetically.

"Well, I'll be here for you during the entire labor journey. I will also help you if you have any questions once the baby is born." The nurse commented, and Alpha smiled as well.

A couple of hours later, Alpha was able to actually push the baby out. She was in quite a bit of pain, but she still refused much medication. Once the baby was out and she and the baby were clean, Alpha was able to rest and finally meet her daughter. The girl looked exactly like her, which she was thankful for. She had the perfect little girl.

"What's her name?" The nurse asked, smiling at Alpha.

"Arrow. Arrow Nicole Martinez." Alpha answered, kissing her baby's forehead.

She was happy, and nothing was going to change the way she felt...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, I got the name idea two ways. One, I figured it would be a cute little push for Clint. Two, Jensen Ackles has a daughter named Arrow, so why the hell wouldn't I be able to use it for my story?!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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