𝐢𝐢𝐢. ʜʏᴘɴᴏᴛɪᴢᴇ

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IT WAS the first school day after new Years and Alkaline didn't miss it at all, the awfully crowded and loud halls and those bitches who make up rumors about people

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IT WAS the first school day after new Years and Alkaline didn't miss it at all, the awfully crowded and loud halls and those bitches who make up rumors about people.

"Happy new years Kali!" Maddy Perez greeted her as they walked past each other smiling. "Happy New Year to you too Mads."

Alkaline's face lit up when she saw her friends beside their lockers, waving at her. She hugged them all as they laughed.

"Oh my God my sister said Nate's face was like a whole ass horror movie, she was at the party and some redhead beat him like almost to death." Giovanna gushed while they took their books out of the locker. "Hush Gio, people might hear you." KC tried to silence her.

"What do you mean hear me? everyone's practically talking about it right now, plus Nate is literally surrounded by scandals, whats another one gonna do to him? they said he was some dude's older brother who goes to this school." She rambled on making Jia and Lana giggle as KC stayed on the side disapprovingly as they walked towards the girl's bathroom.

"Omg, I want a cig right now ugh," Lana stated in the bathroom while putting more lipgloss over her lips. "I heard it makes you lose weight we should totally try it, I have some that I stole from my brother- my mom doesn't even know he smokes-" Giovanna gossiped some more as Alkaline rolled her eyes at them, occupying a stall.


Alkaline was surprised to be greeted by Jia's bloodshot eyes and tear-stained face while KC sat by Lana comforting her in the back of their school. "Where the fuck is Gio?" Alkaline asked confused as to what happened. "She still has class," KC said patting the sobbing Jia's back.

"Well, what the fuck happened here?" She rushed to the crying girl's side. "Some bald guy slut shamed her." Lana frustratedly stated.

"Who? I need a fucking name, Lan." Alkaline cracked her fingers.

"I don't know! someone named Marcus that's all we know, and that he has a buzzcut."

"He said that I fucked their whole friend group and laughed at me." Jia sobbed even more as Alkaline got even angrier.

"Where is he Jia? fuckin' show me, right now." And just as she said, Jia pointed to someone with a buzzcut, wearing a Gucci tracksuit talking to his friends but Alkaline couldn't see his face as he wasn't facing towards them.

"Oh, I'm gonna fucking kill his ass." Alkaline picked her bag up as she ran in his direction ignoring the protests of her friends while KC trailed after her in hopes of stopping the mad girl but failing to calm her down.

"Hey! you mess with my fucking friend Jia? no one fucking calls her no names but me and my friends." There was a crowd slowly forming around them as people stopped and looked at what was happening.

As the guy was about to turn his head and reply to her, Alkaline lost all control and swung her fist right at his face as he fell from the impact. Everyone let out shocked gasps and all hell went loose.


which bald guy y'all think she actually punched? ☺️

which bald guy y'all think she actually punched? ☺️

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