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ALKALINE SIGHED and laid on Ashtrays bed as she threw her phone beside her

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ALKALINE SIGHED and laid on Ashtrays bed as she threw her phone beside her. Garner was supposed to call her 20 minutes ago but he never answered her call.

When he made promises to Alkaline he was always sure to fulfill them, and right now Alkaline wasn't used to not getting what she wanted. It was eight in the night and Ashtray still wasn't home either, he said he had to go and take care of something really quick which was five hours ago.

The distressed girl paced in his room back and forth, She never overthought but it seems like the two most important boys in her life (aside from Fezco) were driving her crazy.

Tapping her foot to the ground repeatedly- she quietly ran downstairs without Fezco noticing as he slept on the couch with a blunt in his hand, his mouth wide open- he was even snoring which the girl didn't know he did. As amusing as Alkaline found him- in any normal day she would've taken a picture but decided against it.

Guess it was his lucky day.

Alkaline was impatient and didn't like to wait, she swore she did try to wait but failed anyway. She went as far as going out of their house and just waiting in the middle of the streets looking like she was about to rob someone- and that she did.

The girl saw a bike inside the dark alley- and she tried to not steal something for once in her life but decided that she was stealing it not for herself but to find the love of her life. Just kidding it still counts as something she's doing for herself.

It wasn't her fault the bike was just out there in the open like nobody cared, if it went missing it was definitely on the owner because it's never Alkaline's fault. Did you get punched by Alkaline? it was your fault your bald head looked so alike with the guy she was supposed to punch, not hers.

And so she ran and rode the bike as fast as she could, Alkaline had no idea wherever Ash could be right now so she decided to see what was up with Garner. Unknown of the chaos that was to happen.


Alkaline shortly arrived at their house with a weird feeling.

All the lights were off- not a single one turned on, their house looked like it came from a horror movie, The girl just figured that Garner wasn't home and rode off- but before she could even bike away there was a man who ran up to her coming from their backyard- which was very much locked.

He had a very straight posture with neat side gelled hair, it was clear that he wasn't some sort of drug addict coming by to buy some drug of some sort- or so she thought, basing only off of his appearance.

She stopped and furrowed her eyebrows skeptically as he came up to her with a sickly sweet smile, there was something about this man.

"Hi, there do you know the owner of this house?" The stranger said pushing his hood away from his head.

She thought very hard about what to say and she didn't even know why it was just some random dude what could he possibly do?

"I don't know, do you?" She raised her eyebrows at him, he suddenly chuckled as if she just pulled a joke right out of her ass.

"No, I do not." He freakishly smiled. "I'm Terrance from the insurance company for this property and I just wanted to have a talk with the owner regarding his house."

As he was babbling away she noticed three different cars- including a black van she'd never seen before, all parked against each other.

Alkaline lived here long enough to know that they only had two close neighbors who drove cars but they were both Toyota's and not whatever those three were. Their other neighbor was a disabled old man who didn't have any legs and for sure didn't drive a freaking car. Alkaline imagined him suddenly growing legs to drive a car, why did she always make jokes in the most untimely moments?

This was all too weird for her.

Having enough of Terrance's babbling, she cut him off by saying. "Uhh- they don't have insurance what are you on about?" she nervously laughed as she sensed his expression darken.

"I don't think a little girl like you would know anything about insurance young lady." He slowly inched closer to her as she was still sitting on the bike.

"I- well- uh- I do though because the owner of this house is my friend's parent and they asked me to take a stroll by here every time it was nighttime to make sure strangers like you don't go in." Her confident demeanor seemed to return as she stuttered with the first few words getting very creeped out with him.

He seemed to back down noticing that her reason was good enough until he suddenly reached in the pocket of his hoodie clutching something that made a slight noise. Was this it? was she gonna get killed or kidnapped and get her organs sold to the black market?

Was she going to die right at this moment? never being able to say goodbye or even her feelin-

Alkaline stared at Terrance as a sudden rush of wind brushed against his unzipped jacket to his sides before he stopped his clothing from swaying too much, She swore she had seen a police badge on his right chest and she just froze.

Suddenly a black car pulled up behind her and when she thought she was about to get grabbed or even get shot, she heard a familiar voice speak.


wait nvm my inspiration came back- BAM! 😼😼😼

YA GIRL CAME THRUU WITH THREE UPDATES, writing at 4 in the morning like I don't have my exam later 😍😍

YA GIRL CAME THRUU WITH THREE UPDATES, writing at 4 in the morning like I don't have my exam later 😍😍

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