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ASHTRAY WOKE UP FLY AS FUCK. For a normally cranky teen, it was a new sight for Alkaline to wake up and see him not having a stick up his ass so early in the morning, fortunately for him.

Alkaline however was unaware that tomorrow was her birthday. And so she was only confused by Ashtray's strange behavior but he looked so happy for some reason that she decided not to question him or his weird behavior.

"Ma, I'm going to the mall, be right back." Ashtray went and passed by her as she was sitting on the couch now rushing to get his shoes on real quick.

She wanted to question him but she didn't want him to get his panties in a bunch when she did so the Korean girl decided against it. "Okay, careful bye see you later." She smiled and paused.

"Oh, can I come with you?" She continued, standing up from the couch as he finished lacing up his shoes, he looked back at her.


"Oh okay.." The teen slightly pouted from getting rejected.

Suddenly the blonde sitting across from her spoke. "Aw, what? is my company not good enough for you KJ?" She tilted her head at the girl but soon enough she had closed her eyes when Alkaline had replied.

"Nu-uh Faye you're an amazing house pet, I just needed a new sweatshirt, and a lot of new clothes, I thought I was only gonna be staying here for a week but we seen what happened, I can't keep usin' Tray's clothes if ima be staying here for a lot longer- just until Garner comes up." Alkaline denied as she sat back down on the couch silently, noticing that Faye had already fallen asleep.

A new sweatshirt she said.

Ashtray paused as he looked at Alkaline before sighing, he slowly walked to her. Ashtray was towering over her as she was sitting on the couch right below him. Hesitantly, his fingers took her chin, slowly caressing her cheek with his thumb. Her face was facing his- oh so very close.

Alkaline looked up at him where they met each other's eyes. Ashtray felt his head inching slowly towards her and he immediately stopped- baffled. She was silent- Alkaline didn't know what to do.
Maybe she wanted to lean in as well? their faces were dangerously close, there was barely any space or air to breathe in between the two as they stayed silent. Both of their hearts slowly started raising as Alkaline felt sparks of electricity ignite on her cheek every time his fingers made even the slightest movement.

Finally, Ashtray spoke up. "I'll be back aight?" She felt his hot breath on her face as the fingers on her chin and cheek stayed longingly as the teen didn't want to let go and neither did Alkaline, they were so so close that he could just-

"Okay, I'll see you later."

His eyes slightly widened as his stomach turned. There it was, that beautiful, bright smile of hers.

He slowly trailed his hands against her neck as he didn't want to let go. Ashtray walked to the door after returning the smile. He turned his head back to Alkaline who was still staring back at him with that smile that could easily make him fold, not minding the snoring Faye behind her.

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