𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢. ᴀʟʟ ғᴏʀ ᴜs

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"WHERE THE FUCK is Gio!?" Alkaline and Ashtray had been searching for her missing friend for what felt like hours but in reality, it was fourteen minutes

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"WHERE THE FUCK is Gio!?" Alkaline and Ashtray had been searching for her missing friend for what felt like hours but in reality, it was fourteen minutes.

She sighed rubbing her hand against her head as Ashtray gave her some water. "Tray can we split up?" She turned to him as he shook his head. "I know- I know you don't wanna but I'm concerned for her and it'd be easier if we did." She added, cutting him off before he could even speak.

He thought about it for some time and had finally agreed. "Okay but if anything- anything! fuckin' happens you call me, aight?" Ash took out his phone from his pocket and pointed it to her to make sure she got his message and she nodded in response to his statement.

And soon enough, they split ways. Both of them could no longer see each other as their figures disappeared into the massive crowds and sweaty air.

Ashtray had decided to go outside to try and look for her, Alkaline had shown him a picture of her earlier so he pretty much knew what he was looking for.

Alkaline on the other hand decided to try and check all the rooms- but before that, she wanted to sneak a drink, it was a high school party, no one would ever spike a drink here, right?

She made her way onto where the drinks were ignoring that everyone underage was either drinking, smoking, doing drugs, and other things they shouldn't be doing and there she saw one of Connors's friends, she had seen him and his group a couple of times at school when Giovanna would fawn over Connor while they passed by. She approached the blonde guy and spoke.

"Oh- hey I'm Giovanna's friend you know her right?"

"Ohh Heyy... Alakine right?" He gave her a lazy smirk right before he downed the cup of beer in his hand and screamed at the crowd receiving choruses of cheers.

The Korean girl grimaced "It's Alkaline- but anyways I'm looking for Gio, do you know where she might have gone or if maybe she's with Connor?" She asked the drunk blonde as he stared at her, studying her every move, his eyes moved from her toes to her head, smiling to himself he responded.

"Yeah, I know where she is I'll show you." He smirked at her as the girl let out a sigh of relief.

"Really? Yes please thank you! I and my friend have been looking all over for her." She let out a small gasp as he quickly grabbed her hand harshly, startling her.

Okay, it was cute when Ashtray did it but when he did, it was just plain assault.

"So where exactly is she?" The girl asked nervously, she had a bad feeling for some reason.

"Don't worry! I know what I'm doing, Cleo by the way." He slurred over his words laughing in between like he was some madman.

Wait, Cleo- the one that had a crush on her? Alkaline wasn't sure if what Gio had said to her was true but she decided against it and thought that it was just another gossip her friend heard.

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