𝐱𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. sᴛᴀʀ

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"SO YALL ARE TOGETHER?" Fezco's eyes trailed off from the table to Ashtray's face eyeing him as if it were an interrogation and Ashtray had just committed a crime which he did

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"SO YALL ARE TOGETHER?" Fezco's eyes trailed off from the table to Ashtray's face eyeing him as if it were an interrogation and Ashtray had just committed a crime which he did.

He stole Alkaline's heart.

"Yes," Ashtray said feeling slightly uncomfortable as Fezco kept giving him stares which were unusual as it had been a while since they had serious talks together.

The look of approval from Fezco after he spoke didn't go unnoticed by him as he shifted in his seat.

Did he think of him that low that he just thought his little brother would go around kissing a girl with them not being in a relationship?

"Okay, good.." Fezco trailed off again.

"Are you gonna give me the sex talk? please no I'm-" Ashtray spoke and it wasn't long before Fezco abruptly interrupted him.

"Hell Nah! I was just making sure y'all weren't messing around is all. Promise me that y'all aren't gonna do nothing until your of legal age." He eyed his little brother as he waited for his response.

Ashtray sighed.

"Promise. Me." He clarified again.

"Yeah, of course, what did you think I was gonna say?" He huffed at Fezco as his leg bounced up and down getting more anxious and wanting to leave the room all ready to go back to his girlfriend.

"Okay, Lil dude that's all, respect her, and don't fucking break her heart aight?" Fezco softly patted Ashtray's cheek before going elsewhere after he had replied with a short yes.

"They kids be wilding man....." He muttered, shaking his head before going into the bathroom.


"What'd you guy's talk about?" Alkaline immediately asked her boyfriend as he came into the room with a weird expression she couldn't describe.

"The fact that you are my girlfriend and how we can't do anything until we're eighteen."

Alkaline had burst out laughing by then and her laugh died down almost immediately after she saw the sour face of Ashtray.

"Wait why are you so sad?" She let out another laugh pointing to his face.

"Pfft! don't tell me that you were planning to have already done the deed below legal ag-"

Alkaline covered her mouth and was now a blushing mess as it was Ashtray's turn to laugh now.

"Idiot!" She smacked the back of his head as he instantly stopped laughing and let out snickers.

"What? what's wrong wit-"

Ashtray got smacked behind his head again before he could even finish his sentence.

"Idiot! shut up! there are many things wrong with that!" Alkaline stammered a little bit a she just found it surreal to be talking about this topic with her boyfriend.

Her boyfriend...
Her boyfriend...
Her boyfriend...
Her boyfriend...?
HeR bOyFRiEnDd???

Okay well.. Maybe it was a little surreal for Alkaline to actually register the fact that Ashtray was her boyfriend let alone the fact that she has one was kind of driving her off the rails as her face began to become even warmer and redder which sparked Ashtray's interest as he tried to figure out why.

"Why is your.. face all red and cute?"

"It's not, are you sick maybe you're having delusions?"

"No I swear- Wait are you sick!? is that why- okay just hold on!"

"Tray I'm n-"

Ashtray had panicked and began to run outside the room before he could even hear Alkaline out leaving her alone and flustered as she flopped down the bed with a sigh.

Suddenly the door busted open revealing a worried-looking Ashtray with all sorts of medicine on top of a container and there was even a medkit?!

What did he think being sick meant?

Ashtray had tried to put the thermometer in her mouth but was quickly stopped by Alkaline who could only laugh at the situation leaving him with a puzzled expression, not really getting it.

"Tray stop.. I'm not actually sick." She laughed putting down the medicine that he pushed on her hands earlier along with the thermometer.

"Then why.." He trailed off, pointing to her face in a clockwise motion.

"It was because I was still just a little shook by the fact that you know we're an item... I don't know its weird okay." Alkaline looked down in shame as she found herself slowly shying away and shrinking down from his stares.

Ashtray who was dumbfounded finally got why she was laughing earlier and was now laughing as well which had startled the teen.

"That's fucking adorable." The boy muttered out after his laughter died down and softly grabbed Alkaline's head to put it against his chest like a hug where only he was dominant.

Alkaline smiled into the hug as they decided to stay like that for a while.


Killtray so cute 🥺🥺 I hope nothing bad happens to them 🥺💗💗💗💗



or am I? 🤨🤨😥😥

jk I am

or am I not? 🧐🧐🧐

e Neways I'm going thru an enha phase and am thinking of making anime fanfiction as soon as I'm done with this book leave me alone 😔😔

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