𝐱𝐯𝐢. ᴄᴀᴋᴇ ʙʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏᴄᴇᴀɴ

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"OKAY DON'T fuckin' snort or drink nothing inside that house, always have Ash check shit that you wanna consume okay?" Fez yelled at the two teens as they got out of the car standing in front of a really big house with crowds of people everywhere

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"OKAY DON'T fuckin' snort or drink nothing inside that house, always have Ash check shit that you wanna consume okay?" Fez yelled at the two teens as they got out of the car standing in front of a really big house with crowds of people everywhere.

Did Connor fucking invite the whole school? there's literally a guy with a beard- ain't no way everyone here was a high schooler.

"Yeah, Fez I get it! thanks bye!" The pale girl waved at him as he nodded his head, driving away.

"I don't get parties, what do you even do here." Ashtray maintained a monotone expression on his face as they walked into the house full of sweaty bodies grinding against each other and a ton of yelling.

"I don't know- get wasted and high?"

"Things which you won't be doing." He gave her a stern stare getting ahold of her hands and intertwining his with hers while they navigate through the big crowd jumping and singing around.

They had finally reached the stairs.

"I'm gonna find my friends go and... Chill somewhere." The Korean girl stated and tried to walk away from the teen but was shook as Ashtray slid his arms around her waist unintentionally pulling her too close against him.

Alkaline felt her stomach turn by the sudden action as her cheeks felt even warmer. Ashtray's voice sent shivers to her neck as he whispered closely behind her, his hands gripping tightly on her waist not budging one bit.

"No you are not, I'm gonna help you find your friends- your gonna get killed in this house if you go anywhere alone and Fez will kill me after," Ashtray whispered loudly into the girl's ear as they could barely hear anything from the loud music blasting from all around the house.

She rolled her eyes and gripped his hands tightly as they began their journey to find her friends, both of them not even wiping
the obvious grins on their faces.

They found a bathroom shortly and decided to stay there as Alkaline had the idea of calling Gio which she had thought about doing long ago but due to the loud noises she obviously couldn't.

The phone rang as she sat against the wall waiting for her friend to pick up her phone. She observed the bathroom, it was spacious, with a lot of gold on the ceiling and plants everywhere. She shivered due to the balcony door wide open. Ash noticed this and threw his jacket right at her face ignoring her eye rolls and closing the door.

"Told you that skirt was way too short."

"I have shorts under them??"


She rolled her eyes for what felt like she'd been doing more recently since she's been staying with him, tired of his pointless arguments.

Like a magical miracle, Giovanna had finally picked the phone up looking very shit-faced as her hand shook the phone while she was partying.

"Gio where are you I have been looking everywhere for you." Alkaline hurriedly said as she noticed her friend putting her ear closer to the phone trying to hear her.

"Oh- Hi Bitch! This is like the best fuckin' night of my entire life-"She turned the phone to the same shit-faced-looking Jia and Lana. "Hey!" Giovanna's phone was suddenly snatched by a very exhausted looking KC.

"Oh my God Alkaline please help me- these three are out of control I don't even know how many shots they took- We are somewhere near like the library with the fancy liquor case is- I don't know, we're in the second floor where another crowd is at- Please come quick before one of these dumbasses get harassed or something." KC quickly said but she suddenly hung up as Alkaline heard something along the lines of Lana wanting to skinny dip at the pool getting followed by a loud crowd of cheers.

"Oh my God-"Alkaline laughed as she looked at Ashtray who smiled back at her. "You've been here for seven minutes and you already look exhausted."

"Ugh, let's go." She grabbed his hands again as if it was just a casual occurrence now and ran out the bathroom trying to find the said liquor case.

"HEY, HANDS OFF PREDATOR SHE'S SIXTEEN- ILL LITERALLY CUT YOUR PENIS OFF!" Alkaline heard a very loud voice yell as she recognized it to be KC, poor KC.

She finally found her, KC pointing her finger at the guy's throat with his hands up as if she was holding him gunpoint while Jia held her hand behind the brown girl wasted out of her mind as Alkaline saw Lana dancing in the background but Giovanna was nowhere to be seen.

KC let out a big sigh of relief as she waved rapidly at Alkaline, spotting her from afar.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" Alkaline laughed at her exhausted Indian friend who smiled back at her, she saw Ashtray and had a confused expression on her face.

"That's the guy you beat u-"

"Ash." He introduced as KC gave him a tight smile nodding.

"KC." She nodded back at him and gave Alkaline a look making it known that she would question her about him some time.

"Would you please find Gio, I have her phone she just like disappeared out of nowhere- we've been here for like thirty minutes and I've concluded that if this is what motherhood feels like I'm never having sex."

Alkaline laughed as she patted her severely beaten up, tired friend, hugging her. "Yeah sure let me just get a drink real quick then I and Tray will be outta here, looking for Gio." She smiled at the Indian girl who gave her an appreciative smile as she waved at Ashtray.

The Korean tried to drink out of the red plastic cup but frowned as Ashtray quickly grabbed it away from her and drank the whole cup in only a matter of seconds.

"What the hell!" She exclaimed at the teen who threw the cup behind him carelessly.

"Go drink some water Ma, you not finna be wasted by the time we get home, better me than you, but that's never gonna happen cause I have a high tolerance," Ash stated at the frustrated girl as he blocked the table full of beer and pointed to the fridge not far away from where they stood.

"I don't even like beer I was just gonna try one glass." She pouted, walking shamelessly towards the kitchen as Ashtray laughed at the girl's sunken figure.


literally stan KC for not letting her friends get traumatized in parties 😍😍😍 girl boss things

cuteness alert ::

cuteness alert ::

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