𝐱𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐢. ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴅᴀʏs

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𝚋𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚢𝚜



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read at your own risk


Alkaline's POV


I GASPED FOR AIR, having another nightmare of Tray getting a bullet through his head, it'd been three days ever since the incident, and I had no one with Faye and Fez in jail according to the news for first-degree murder and other charges that had to do with dealing drugs- Garner MIA and Tray nowhere to be found.

It was still dark outside as I peered over my windows, I looked at the clock and it was three in the morning.

At this point I had fully accepted that this was my fate, I was destined to be all alone with no one by my side.

Somehow, I had magically found some DXM, if you're looking for some drugs then the hospital is a place full of them. I can't believe i'm making a bad drug joke while being on the verge of overdosing on some cough pills.

I felt numb as if I was already on something even though I wasn't on anything at all, it must be this situation making everything feel so hazy. Slowly, my fingers made contact with the pills that I dropped in my hands.

I was about to swallow them whole, they were on the tip of my lips ready to be devoured- but just then, my phone rang.

It was from an unknown number.

I rolled my eyes at how cliche this has gotten up to this point, I could ignore it and die immediately, but screw me I guess, I'll answer this last phone call I'll ever answer.

I answered, expecting Giovanna or any of my friend's voices after ghosting them for quite a while and ignoring their calls but that wasn't what I got.

I heard deep breathing as if the person on the other line had been running a whole 10-hour-long marathon. Great I got a random call from a weirdo the morning I decided to end my life, how delightful.

"Okay this is fucking weird, good talk weirdo- i'm hanging up," I said about to put my phone down but the next words the caller said almost made my heart stop not even how the pills in my hand could.

"K, i'm here." the caller said.

I felt tears immediately dripping down my eyes.

"Tray?" I shakily whispered, as if I made any loud noise, he would disappear.

"I-I thought you were dead- what happened-" I stuttered at every word.

"I'm fine K, for the most part." He let out a painfully forced chuckle like he was trying to convince me or even himself that he was fine, I grimaced at the thought of the state that he could be in right now.

All I badly wished for was to see him and be with him right now.

"I got away from the feds, even I don't know how, so don't ask me- listen K, this may or may not be the last time that we'll ever get to talk because i'm going away for a while, laying low until all this heat cools down. But I'm coming back, for you, and Fez. I promise you my Alkaline I will be back. maybe not for a long time but I'll be back for you and Fez." Tray said, still panting.

"Wha-" I tried to say something before it was too late but he just cut me off again.

"As long as we don't forget, we'll always lead ourselves back to each other, I love you always and forever, my Alkaline."

The line ended.....


I DISAPPEARED AGAIN I KNOW😭😭 but at least I put out another new chapter☺️☺️


I am very determined to finish this book and I will no matter how long it takes just y'all watch ima put out more chapters >:((

this isn't the end there but there are a few chapters left until the end so stay prepared even though the last time I updated was last year.... happy new years I guess💀💀

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