𝐱𝐢. 24/7 ʟᴏᴡᴋᴇʏ

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THE PAST THREE DAYS have been exhausting for Alkaline as she couldn't get a certain mini drug dealer with an eyebrow slit out of her mind

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THE PAST THREE DAYS have been exhausting for Alkaline as she couldn't get a certain mini drug dealer with an eyebrow slit out of her mind.

Whenever they were in the same room they would occasionally glance at each other and look away smiling- even Fezco and Faye could see the two crazily obsessed with each other and it slowly drove him crazy too as he watched the two teens interact every time.

When they were at school they would casually pass by each other and at least either one of them would purposely brush their hands against the other as if they were playing a game- and no one had seen them, at least they thought.

"Ali? Ali...?" Giovanna snapped Alkaline out of her trance as she zoned out after smiling at Ashtray and he did the same as well sending butterflies to her stomach. "Huh?" The Korean girl finally replied, putting her focus on her African friend after she had just waved her whole hand in front of her face.

"So anyway as I was saying- I heard that Connor was throwing a party at his place- his parents weren't gonna be home and I need you to help me decide what to wear so I can hopefully- bewitch him with my intimidating looks." The Brown-skinned girl winked at Alkaline who chuckled at her.

"The whole gang is coming and so should you! I heard his friend has a massive crush on you- Cleo I think was his name I don't know I forgot- omg also everyone in like the whole school is coming because you know Connor is richhh as fuck girl you can't even-" She rambled on and on until Alkaline finally decided to speak up, catching her friend's attention as she stopped her rambling and patiently listened to her.

"You don't need my help Gio, it doesn't matter what you wear he's obviously been in love with you for as long as I can remember I'm sure that whatever you wear will make him fall in love with you even more." She rolled her eyes at Giovanna who became flustered, not believing Alkaline's accusation of him already liking her.

"Oh come on Gio even a blind person could see how much you guy's just wanna be with each other! I'm not even kidding, Connor looks at you like he would die for you and you look at him like you live for him- and I know that you probably think that I'm lying but I'm not so deal with it and just get with each other!"

Giovanna was too shocked at the sudden girl's feelings getting spilled like that, she knew that Alkaline was right so there was no point in arguing with her anymore so she just gave her the brightest smile ever and hugged her tightly with a deep appreciation for her friend.

"Thanks, Al I don't know what I would do without you."

"Of course-" Alkaline rolled her eyes as but got caught off guard after feeling a hand brush right beside hers briefly after they were walking slowly in the hall, she looked back only to see a familiar buzzcut and tracksuit walking in the opposite direction as theirs- and as a result making Alkaline smile widely.

"Maybe you should take your own advice," Giovanna mumbled under her breath rolling her eyes at the pale girl with a small smile on her face, amused.

"What was that?" Alkaline asked confused.

"I said, which color do you think would look better on me orange or red?" Alkaline smiled, nodding at Giovanna, and said "Ohh okay, um a red dress would look good on you girl."

They rushed to their classes as the bell loudly rang across the corridors.


Oh oh, dis bitch is getting lazy for no reason 😟😳😳😳

Oh oh, dis bitch is getting lazy for no reason 😟😳😳😳

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