𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐢. ʟᴏsᴇ

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"NO- TRAY-" Her eyes welled with tears as she yelled and yelled for him, but it was too late

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"NO- TRAY-" Her eyes welled with tears as she yelled and yelled for him, but it was too late.

She let out a blood-curdling scream after she watches the metal bullet go through his body.

Someone dressed in black had already shot him. There he was, laying on the floor bleeding slowly to his death, emotionless and cold.

He could feel his soul slowly fading away into the darkness as he lost his consciousness gradually. He saw a blurry feminine figure rush to his aid but was stopped by a dark figure as she was pushed to the wall seemingly getting her hands forcefully cuffed.

Everything was blurry and his ear was ringing. Ashtray raised his hand to the screaming girl trying to reach for her but he couldn't, he saw a seemingly blurred Fezco against the wall, clutching his stomach for some reason.

The last thing he muttered out was her name.


His head fell back to the floor and let out a small thud. A tear had silently escaped from his left eye as he laid there in peace, his body slowly drowning in his own blood.

The sad part was that even if he had let out the faintest and weakest whisper in his last seconds, Alkaline had still heard it above all of her screams.

His last words were her name.

Suddenly, Ashtray shot up from the cushion getting woken up by the thunders, he took a deep breath after he noticed his chest rapidly rising up and down. His eyes ran across the room.

It was just a terrible nightmare.

Ashtray sighed in relief and shook his head.

He searched his bed expecting to see Alkaline and panicked after seeing that it was empty. His head snapped towards the small noise and there she was, beside him, her eyes wide open as she had a confused and worried expression as she got ahold of his hand, intertwining them together.

The rain dripping down on his window reflecting on her face, they looked like tears spilling from her eyes.

"What ha-" She quickly spoke but got immediately cut off by the shock grabbing her head and putting it against his chest, hugging her ever so tightly, he embracing Alkaline as if he was never gonna let go of her.

"I-I heard you muttering some words in your sleep- you wouldn't wake up no matter how much I called your name or shook you- I thought you were having a seizure or something you really wouldn't wake up and I didn't know what to do-" The Korean girl hadn't noticed it except for Ashtray but her eyes were becoming more glossy and in a flash, the brim of her eyes had started spilling tears against her will and Ashtray couldn't help but think that it was his fault.

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