𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢. ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ғᴇᴇʟ ᴍʏ ғᴀᴄᴇ

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GARNER SAT on a small stool in a small room barely being able to carry his weight

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GARNER SAT on a small stool in a small room barely being able to carry his weight. He was half-naked exposing all of his scattered body tattoos and the square bandage that rested in the side of his stomach wearing grey sweatpants while he looked at a printed picture of him carrying a nine-year-old Alkaline on his shoulders.

He laughed at the miserable expression on the Korean nine-year-old face as she was sat on his shoulder.

The room was starting to get hotter and hotter, and so was he.

He sighed, putting back the picture in his bag as he got his rifle out and hid it under his bed that barely fit his height.

He was interrupted by someone knocking on his door.

He got up and opened it.

It was Katerina. She had straight blonde hair, beautiful shimmering green eyes, and a thin figure complimented with long legs, which she could have been easily mistaken for as a model. Though the height difference between Garner and Katerina was massive, she still maintained a sharp and strong expression that forever rested on her face never faltering.

Katerina and Garner went way back. Kind of like partners and crime. They used to do heists, dealt drugs together, and do other batshit crazy things before they decided to split and go on their own ways.

Katerina was taken by surprise so late in the night when Garner had suddenly shown up on her doorstep, barely gasping for air with a bullet wound to the side of his stomach.

"How are you doing? Well, I hope.." Her thick Russian accent sought through her voice as she eyed his bandage, tilting her head.

"Well, it's gonna take more than 1 badly shot bullet to kill me." Garner smiled at the blonde as they walked to her kitchen.

"They are too close to finding me out and Alkaline." He stated.

"Ah yes, your little girl? how come I've never met her?" Katerina said, completely avoiding the other topic as she munched on her pasta.

"Not so little anymore." He deeply chuckled, biting into his food.

"Let me see-"

"Oh! she is just so Прекрасный! I need to meet her it is an absolute necessity!" The Russian woman gushed as Garner laughed as he had taken out his phone and showed Katerina a much more up-to-date photo of Alkaline smiling right at the camera and him beside her.

"Yes, indeed she is very beautiful." He smiled.

"You must miss her very much," Katerina said, looking at him.

"Yes I do- her birthdays in a week from now- and I've been missing for a while." Garner sighed.

"Don't worry Abe, everything is gonna be fine, you will be back with your Alkaline as soon as this is all over," Katerina reassured the man, patting his shoulder as he smiled in response.

"How much longer do I have to lay low?" He questioned.

"I told you just until the feds stop loitering around your property, it'll be sooner than you think, it's just like before G, remember? we even had to wait for a whole month. But now I have people who I can talk to and make this a faster process for you okay?"

"I have an inside guy, who works with them. He can sway them away from your house for a little bit, just until you and your Alkaline can have enough time to move out."

Garner sighed, putting his head down as he thought deeply about Alkaline. "I promised her that this would be our last move, no more moves just us together staying in East highland."

"Nothing is permanent until you stop dealing drugs, Abe. The police? will always be hot on your fucking back. That's why I changed and made my own business, now I have a nice house, a nice job, and imagine this- no police knocking on my door every single night!" Katerina chuckled as she excitedly told Garner more about herself and how she's been doing living all by herself.

Back in Katerina and Garner's "glory days" they have been inseparable, almost like twins. They looked as powerful together as they did in combat.

In their years of partnership, Garner was the first man that Katerina had learned to fully trust as Katerina is to Garner until Alkaline came along but it was assured that they never had any romantic relations with each other and it would be weird too- as they felt so at home with each other as if they were siblings.

The moment Garner had been born was the moment he'd been set out in the streets. Stealing and dealing for as long as he could remember.

He too was an orphan himself, just like Alkaline. But when he first came to St. June's orphanage the funny thing was he never even meant to adopt anyone, he was just there to make a small donation and by small he meant a hundred-thousand dollars all for them.

But then he saw Alkaline and he saw himself in her. She was afraid, a fighter, and as loyal as one can be. He became Alkaline's role model. She fought like him, spoke like him, tried to even dress like him (but that immediately backfired), and dealt drugs like him.

He first saw her from a window he was staring at. She had just beat up a boy two times taller than her for whatever reason, it was impressive even to Garner.

The first time he had met her though was when she was getting dragged away to her room with a busted lip and a bloody nose after getting into another fight. He had suddenly felt the urge that he had to protect her. He didn't want Alkaline going through all the same shit he did because back then, no one helped him, as sad as he looked- no one still wanted to help him. But he imagined that if someone had, he would've lived a better life.

So he adopted Alkaline.


He snapped away from his thoughts and continued listening to Katerina blabbing away about the plan.

"You know, Fatherhood has changed you." The Russian smiled, pausing.

"I don't know, you seem so much happier than the last time we saw each other when you didn't have an Alkaline yet. But it changed you for the better and I could see how happy she makes you and I like that." Katerina gave him a soft and gentle smile which was much more different from her usual expression as she always maintained her sharp eyes and scary-looking face and Garner could only laugh.

"What're you laughing about!? you know what? never mind I take back my statement, you are still that smug little bitch from when I still met you." Katerina argued with him but it was no use as he only seemed like he was dying of laughter and soon she joined him.



i need to know

i'm not too confident in this but I just wanted to try something and dive deeper into Garner's character cause y'all don't really know much about him other than he's a dilf so there you go !

also bam! new character, Katerina!!! thoughts???

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