𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. sᴡᴇᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴡᴇᴀᴛʜᴇʀ

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SHE RAN as fast as she could not caring who or whatever she bumped into no matter how much it hurt, her main priority was Gio right now and she was gonna find her

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SHE RAN as fast as she could not caring who or whatever she bumped into no matter how much it hurt, her main priority was Gio right now and she was gonna find her. She had to.

Alkaline mumbled a few curses as she fought through the tight crowds, going up the stairs, finally taking a turn left. She found Connor's room.

She went ahead to twist the doorknob. It was locked. Her mind went to the darkest places and she didn't even wanna think about anything happening to her friend.

Her breathing started to get heavier as she battled with it, twisting and turning it, hoping that it would somehow magically open, but it didn't.

"Gio!? Gio!? Are you in there? Open the fucking door! Connor, I swear to every shitting god if you lay a hand on her I'm gonna fuckin' kill you Bitch!" Alkaline banged on the door getting a few stares which she didn't pay attention to at all.

Frustrated and scared, she searched the drawers lying around in the house hurriedly, it felt as if she had a time limit.

She felt the adrenaline slowly rushing through her as she found a hammer in one of the cabinets and started breaking and hitting down his door.

"GIO! PLEASE ARE YOU IN THERE?!" She was on the verge of tears as she banged and banged the door with her hand and a hammer on the other.

"GOD!" She exclaimed, struggling with all her force as she repeatedly kept banging on the door with the item.

The door somehow took a few more seconds before she could even break or put a scratch on it.

"Rich people and their fuckin' doors!"

She could only hear the sounds of her heavy breathing and when she poked her eye in the hole she saw nothing but darkness.

She could hear her every heartbeat thumping inside of her. It all became a blur to her.

The next thing she knew, she made a hole big enough to reach into it and unlocked it from the outside. As the light behind her shone in Connor's room, there revealed an unconscious Giovanna laid on his carpet floor, with a bottle of beer in her hand, rolling away.

Alkaline didn't know what to think, where was Connor, and what the fuck happened here?

She didn't say a word and immediately ran to her passed-out friend on the floor, putting the hammer close to her and crouching beside her unconscious body.

Gio's hair was all messy and ruffled, yet there wasn't a single piece of clothing
missing from her body. She immediately checked her African friend for any bruises of some sort but there were none.

She sighed, laying her back against the bed's end, rubbing her temple with her left hand as she reached for her phone with the other, dialing her eyebrow slit friend.

"What am I gonna do with you Gio." Alkaline sighed as she wiped Giovanna's messy hair out of her face slowly grazing over her cheek delicately as she warmed up to her hand.

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