𝐱𝐯. ɴᴏᴛ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ

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ALKALINE SIGHED 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐘 as she leaned her head against Ashtray while they sat against the frame of his bed, her legs crossed

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ALKALINE SIGHED 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐘 as she leaned her head against Ashtray while they sat against the frame of his bed, her legs crossed. "I'm worried for Garner. I don't know where he is or when he'll come back- or if he'll ever come back."

"He will." Said Ash as he slid his hands behind her shoulders. "How do you know?" She turned her head, facing towards him, tears threatening to flow out of her eyes.

"I just do. He would never leave you, your partners." Giving Alkaline a small smile, Ashtray hesitated before he decided to put his hand on her face, wiping the tear off her cheek as the girl sniffed.

She calmed down soon enough after Ashtray had repeatedly stroked her back in comfort

She would never say it out loud, but she had been having nightmares about that time. When she had murdered Dan's men. It woke her up every night, the sounds of Travis pleading for his life and the image of CJ's body falling after she had just impaled a box cutter into his neck.

She tried to think that it was nothing personal, that it was just business. But it wasn't, it was personal- She did it to save Garner so it was fine right? They would have killed both of them if she didn't do anything. Right?

She snapped back to reality as her phone rang rapidly, Alkaline flipped it to see Giovanna's caller I.D. She hesitantly put her hand on the accept button and pressed it.

"Girl get your party shoes on, I'm picking you up right now!" Giovanna yelled through the phone startling the Korean as her brows furrowed in confusion.

"What- why?" She stood up as Ashtray glanced at her in curiosity.

"That party at Connor's the one I told you about, remember? anyways I'm picking up Jia right now, then you so get ready." Giovanna started as Alkaline heard the faint sounds of music blasting from her end.

Shit, it was Saturday. Alkaline thought as she tried to come up with an excuse but she had already bailed enough times on them for her to get let off by them so it was only fair that she comes to this party.

"Oh, yeah right- you don't have to pick me up just send me the address I'll know where it is."

"Are you sure? hm. Okay then see you I hope. Cause if you don't show up me and the girls are gonna busy you out of that damn house." Giovanna chuckled right before hanging up the phone leaving Alkaline who was now rummaging in her bag for anything appropriate to wear at this "party".

"What are you doing?" Ashtray asked the girl.

"I forgot Gio asked me to come to this party at the love of her life's house and I can't bail cause it's like my last straw for them so I'm just tryna find something to wear." She paused. "Okay, I'm gonna go ask Fez first." She rushed out of the room as Ashtray shook his head texting back to his phone.

"No," Fezco answered as he smoked a blunt.

"What- what do you mean no? Please Fez just this one time, I swear I'll be back in like- an hour..?" The teen unsurely said as she pleaded her case to Fezco.

He was seemingly in deep thought and he finally spoke. Alkaline didn't know what she was expecting but she shouldn't have.

"Ayo Ash come here for a sec!"

Ash came running to the room as he asked Fez what he wanted. "I'll let you go if Ash comes with you." As he said that Alkaline groaned, turning to Ashtray who had a smug expression on his face, his arms crossed as he looked at her.

"Noo.." She trailed off.

"Then don't go, y'all could be doing some crazy shit in there and I don't want you coming back here high or drunk as fuck. G asked me to take care of you and that's what I'm doing." He shrugged at the displeased girl smoking away his blunt.

"Yeah fine- whatever I'm still going and I'm taking Tray with me." She went back to Ashtray's room as she dressed up for the party.


"Woah, Woah, Woah- Hold on." Ashtray raised his hands, stopping the girl who came back into his room as she tried to put her shoes on.

"What?" She asked, stopping in her tracks shrugging at the teen.

He eyed her clothes, furrowing his eyebrow at her, finally coming to a conclusion, he spoke. "That skirt is way too short."

"Are you kidding me?"

"Yeah no- change." He demanded.

"No!" She protested back at him.

Somehow, his hands found her waist as he tried to pull down at her skirt to try and make it appear longer as she laughed at his failed attempts.

"It's not that short Tray, stop acting like you not gonna be coming with me." She rolled her eyes, grinning at his sour expression.

"Fine." He uttered out.



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