Beach tingz

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[I'm sorry this took me a while to publish. I've had a lot of work recently, but I'm here now. And here is the next oneshot. Don't forget to vote and add this book to your reading list, so you don't miss the next oneshot. Or just follow me. Or both]

     "Beautifull weather, isn't it, mi amor," Alejandro stated to Heather. They were at the beach, lying on a beach towel that comfortably fits both of them. The sun beaming down upon them, giving them a small tan as a souvenir. 

     "More like incredibly hot weather," she retorted. Though she did want to go to the beach to relax and maybe cool off, it was starting to get too hot to sit around talking in the sun. She took off her Ray-Ban sunglasses and sat up to face Alejandro. "Can't we find some shade?"

     "How about we take a walk along the coast," he suggested whilst pointing in the direction he meant, "We can go to that ice-cream parlour you like. You know, the one that had many exotic flavours and toppings?"

     "You mean Jarfff's Ice cream Parlour?"

     "I think that was the name. Damn that's such a good name."

     "I know, right?"

     They slowly got up to stretch their stiff bodies. They had been lying there for almost an hour just talking, eating a few snacks they brought along and just taking in the sound of the waves crashing down from their peaks. Once they were finished, they packed away their belongings inside Alejandro's bag and then set off.

     "Are you not going to at least put a shirt on?" Heather asked while stumbling through the thick sand. 

     "Hmm, let me think," Alejandro put his hands towards his goatee and stroked as if he were in deep thought. He suddenly changed his expression and replied, "No, I don't think I will." he gave in a light chuckle as well.

     "Ugh, you just want to show off your abs, don't you?" she stopped walking, folding her arms with an eyebrow raised. Alejandro turned to face her, revealing a mischievous smirk on his face.

     "Much like how you want to show off your elegant figure in that stunning bikini of yours, which I must continuously say, it's muy bonita on you. Absolutely breath-taking!" 

     Heather felt her head heating up, especially by her cheeks, when he complimented her. She looked down to hide her blush, while also admiring her choice of outfit. She was wearing a slightly tight, two-piece bikini. Its predominant colour was a turquoise blue, identical to the water you'd find at tropical beaches. She also had a transparent yet colourfully patterned kimono. 

     Heather looked back up at her boyfriend to see him hold out his hand, inviting her to take it.

     "Come along, better half," he said, smoothly. As smooth as the ice cream they were yet to have. "I believe this parlour closes at six, and it's now half-past five."

     "Alright fine, let's go Alejandro Shirtlessmuerto," she said before she giggled at her witty remark. Alejandro laughed as well. When they had finished, they then walked hand-in-hand down the beach. 

     There weren't as many people there now as when they had got there. This made their walk all the more romantic, even though there was the occasional sound of a baby crying in the distance or the sound of two dogs going at it. But as the sun slowly fell, those sounds disappeared, leaving just the waves crashing down the only thing audible. 

     The cold rushing water would reach their sand-covered feet to clean them, before petering out again.

     The couple talked along the way, walking in sync. They shared a few laughs together and just enjoyed this moment together. Walking down an empty beach together, with the sun getting ready to settle behind a mountain.

     They were towards a pier, where Jarfff's Ice Cream parlour was perched at the end of it.

     Up the stairs, they went and took in their familiar surroundings. There was, yet again, not much company up there. Most of the picnic benches, including Alejandro and Heather's personal favourite, were unoccupied. 

     "Alright, I'll go buy the ice creams, you can wait by our spot. Is that fine?" he asked.

     "Why can't I come with you?" she questioned putting on a suspicious look. 

     "Because I have an idea and I want it to be a surprise," he replied with a faint giggle. 

     Heather raised an eyebrow until she gave up with a "fine." 

     Alejandro set off to the parlour and Heather made her way to their bench. She sat down waiting. She pulled her phone out and scrolled through her social media. When she heard the sound of footsteps on wood, she cocked her head up to see Alejandro walking back.

     But he only had one ice cream.

     "Uh where is my ice cream?" she asked when he sat down, folding her arms.

     "This," he gestured to the cone in his hand, "is our ice cream." He licked the tip of ice cream in almost a seductive way, keeping his emerald orbs fixated on Heather. "Don't you want to share?"

     Heather began to blush at his suggestion, thinking that this was the surprise he was talking about.

     She leaned in to have a lick of the cookies and cream flavoured ice cream. They soon found themselves eating the ice cream together. Their noses were less than an inch away. Their tongues would often brush past the other. They both fought the urge to just have a full-on make-out session right there.

     When they finished, they snuggled into each other and watched the sunset. They watched the waves reflect the orange-pink sky and the moon that was getting ever so brighter. This was why this spot was their favourite. Perfect view and nobody would be in their way.

     Alejandro combed his hand through Heather's hair. "I love you," he whispered in her cute little ear, "I love you today, I will love you tomorrow and I will love you until my last breath."

     Heather couldn't stop smiling. She snuggled closer into Alejandro's shoulder. Her beaming face made him as happy as she was.

     "I love you too," she replied. She then pulled his face towards her's and crashed her lips onto his. She caught the Spaniard off guard, but he accepted the kiss. They slipped their tongues into the other's mouth as if they were dancing. The couple finally broke away to catch their breath. They stared into their lust-filled eyes, ready for round two.

     "You wanna take it to the car?" Heather asked, already knowing the answer. She was already getting up and so was Alejandro.



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