Before the show begun

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Where despite the fact both friends know they should be careful, they are having a good time with the Infernals while waiting for the music night to truly begin.

No one's POV:

"You never told us what job you have Guido!" Pyros said looking at Alter interested.

"Well, I went through many hobbies and jobs to find what I like the most. I worked for some time to a library, found interest in cooking for a while, served as a doctor's helper for an year. Eventually I found out I like botanology and plants!"

"Ah sweet! I likes plants too and gardening!" The male goat said excited.

"And what do you like to do Eugenia?" Tefra asked turning everyone's attention on Geno, who pretended he was trying to think deeply.

"Well…" He started while slowly panicking. "Yeah, obviously I ain't gonna tell 'em I am capable steal. Bullsh*t!" He thought. "I… don't really follow any if Guido's interests really. I like though singing and dancing!" He said. "Sounds about right for a still so young 'girl'."

"Aaaw, that's so nice! Do you sing well?!" Pyros asked.

"Oh my sweet bambina! Her voice is so gorgeous it always bring a tear to my eye!" Alter said 'touched', leaned and hugged 'his bambina' tightly.

"Guido no! Stop being silly, nuuu!" Geno complained but fighting also to stop laughing. The goat siblings laughed too.

"Hello and good evening everyone." A female voice was heard the moment exactly Alter had sat normally again. Geno turned head and saw a monster similar like Grillby, on fire. However she was made out of green shades of flames and 2 little cute eyes were visible. She was wearing white shirt, long blue skirt and a white apron above.

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