Guests of the Infernals

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Where after wandering around monster town some more, Geno and Alter receive unexpected hospitality from their 2 new friends.

No one's POV:

"Thank you very much Grillby! Your food is absolutely delicious!" Alter said as him and Geno were getting out and once they had finished their food. He turned to look at the smaller skeleton. "Didja enjoy?"

"Heaveeen~" Geno said satisfied.

"Excellent. Well. Shall we wander around the town or find the siblings?"

"Wander." Geno said.


At first their walk was smooth. But an hour later the 2 skeletons started getting away from the nicer part of the town, loosing all the nice icons they saw at first. The houses they started seeing were more and more old, destroyed most of them, literal ruins.

There were more beggars and monsters wearing rags and old trimmed clothes. The little children were stuck close to their mothers, looking at the 2 friends with big sad and melancholic eyes. Alter wrapped his arm around Geno's shoulders. He held him closer and Geno didn't try break free.

He couldn't see that reality. His soul was hurting seeing the poverty and pain most monsters had on them. Not even in the village he lived, the poverty wasn't that terrible. Almost everything was if not rich at least decent for a little distant sea village.

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