Disobey your master

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Where another move is planned alongside the already existing ones to stop the attack Lord Raymond was revealed to do to most of the unsuspecting monsters of Lisbon.

No one's POV:

He couldn't sleep anymore.

He couldn't just stay behind like this.

He slowly woke up and got off his bed.

The worry and the relentless thoughts were doing this. His bare feet felt the soft and warm carpet underneath. But despite that, a chill wave from the barely open window then, made him shiver. He wrapped his arms around himself and walked towards the window to close it. Then, he started walking around the room fast, thinking.

???'s POV:

"I have to go there too. I must help Sir Vincent. What if he doesn't arrive on time in Lisbon? What if Raymond prevents to execute the monsters? So little time until the sun appears again-! what's the time?" I look at the clock on the wall. "FOUR IN THE MORNING?! Stars, so little time indeed-!" I stop and inhale. "Panic never truly helped anyone. Relax." I exhale. "Yeah, much better. What should I do? How do I go there fast? Could I even use some help? But what animal is awake at that time? The owls aren't fast enough-."

"If only you could be more confident, you wouldn't get confused in your own thoughts."

Confident. *sigh* These second thoughts by that they mean for me to stop being my cowardly self and listen to the part I don't want to let it appear. First from my great grandfather. Then my grandfather. Last but not least my dad. And now me.

How and why did I manage to inherit these genes from so long ago?

"Do you prefer to stay in one place trying to still decide what to do? You do know, but you're just a coward at the moment. What if the boat isn't fast enough to take your Master in Lisbon on time? Will you let the monsters of Lisbon perhaps die by the very human who killed your dad amongst so many others? H e k i l l e d Vibe. H e k i l l e d Crane. If not for Vincent you would end up in the monster afterlife to join them. Will you stay here like a sitting duck, or, will you show some audacity, go there, delay Raymond and rub to his face the monster laws? Master has authority over him but with the laws you can get him in really big trouble."

For once, I listen to the little other part of me willingly. That's right! The laws. Raymond will interfere immediately on the first day of a 3 day break after a monster marriage! That is violation of monster laws. And when our laws break, then, we can react as the king of the humans of Lisbon allowed us!

He might not pay much attention or want to interfere with us after the 3 Aces fell, but at least he still gives punishments to whoever is caught for messing with the monsters. After all, we're still useful for him, whether he really likes us or not. Tch. I clench my fists and determined walk for my closet.

I open it and kneel. I hold my special bag out and leave it on the bed. Then I unhang some of my best clothes, start folding them neatly and put them in the bag too. An idea pops in my head. For a moment hesitation keeps me frozen as I stare at the door of my room. But I shake it off.

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