Now you made me mad

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Where after a nightmare, Geno attempts for a 2nd time search for his necklace, only to end up findingsomething different.

Geno's POV:

I dive and the water surrounds me. I feel my tail forming. I'm frantically searching for something. I feel like this. But what? I'm only moving and listening. I can't see, everything is black. My mouth moves, I'm saying something but I can't hear my own voice. Is it even me in the dream? I can't control what I'm doing.

I let myself swim, waiting to see what will happen next since I can't see for now. I feel I'm saying a word again. Like I call someone. I swim faster and then I feel… I wrap my arms around something. For a moment nothing. And then, I press my mouth firmly against something, blowing air and-… wait.

Chosen falls for a pirate. An Afterdeath fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now