Ghost talk and witnessing the ritual before the real marriage ceremony.

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Where after gaining some knowledge about ghosts, at last, the marriage ceremony truly begins and Geno is all eyesockets and earholes for it, to see how will it go until the end.

Geno's POV:

There is a strong smell of flowers and basil in the air. Everything's really beautiful. I can see from the road Alter is walking a big white circle. I see it more clearly than anyone else. Well, I mean, after all I'm sitting on the shoulder of an almost 7ft tall skeleton after I asked him to pick me up.

"Wooow! This is all amazing!" I say pointing like a baby to all directions.

"Eugenia, you're all good up there, but if you keep squirming and moving like that I'll accidentally drop you." Alter says who seems to be struggling hold me still.

"Ah. Sorry." I say fighting back my enthusiasm.

"Look mamãe, a beautiful girl is sitting on the tall skeleton's shoulder!" A little monster with his mom who happened to walk almost next to us says.

Me and Alter both turn to look better at the 2. A chubby racoon monster with mainly however orange fur about 4 years old is pointing at me with an excited expression, sometimes turning to look up to his mom, another racoon but with more grey and brown colors.

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