Shorta saved by the Captain of the Reapers and receiving a blessing

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Where the priest finishes the narration and under what circumstances he received an important gift that explains how he ends up being connected with Geno and his mission.

Alter's POV:

"I just obeyed. I sat on the floor, hearing the fight occuring."

"Were you scared then?"

"Perhaps enough. Mostly agitated. I was prayin' nonstopping, eyesockets tightly closed to keep my mind busy and not panic. I could have stand up and help in the fight then, the screams of pain, the hisses and the swings of the swords that were hurting these creatures, even if they were the attackers were tormenting listening to. I thought I was sitting where I was for years, while it was only mere minutes. But I didn't stay away from action for long. Soon it was my turn to get attacked."

"They found you too huh?" He asks me anxiously.

"As I was praying silently, I heard 2 beautiful voices singing."

"Yup they did!"

"I opened my eyesockets and there they were, their heads peeking from the gunwale. I saw 2 beautiful sirens' heads staring at me smiling. They were the ones singing. As they were holdin' onto the gunwale but not climbin' in, I could only see that they had human faces, blonde hair and the one had blue eyes, the other green. The only thing disturbin' their beauty were their teeth. Everytime they were opening their mouths to sing their lyrics wide enough, I was seein' little pointy teeth, ready to bite."

"And what happened? Did they hypnotise you with their voices?"

"They certainly did. I succumbed to their voices, I didn't even think 'bout covering my ear holes. Against all logic, since all it had left my skull, I wanted to approach them. I got up slowly and walked towards them, I think I was smiling like a dopey too then."

"I can imagine you."

"And I walked closer and closer and closer... but then, 5 steps away from my doom, the blue-eyed siren stopped singin' abruptly. In fact she stopped her partner too and started starin' at me intensively, somewhat questionably. I short of thought so for their expressions as I came to my senses. I shook my head many times left and right and looked at 'em shocked at first, then stepped back."

"Huh? Why did they stop?"

"We stared at each other awkwardly for many seconds before the one siren turn to look at the other and tell her that I didn't seem to be part of the pirate crew. Generally they started talkin' to each other ignorin' my existence as they kept commentin' about me, tryin' to judge if I was a crewmember or just bein' in the wrong place at the wrong time for any reason. I had no idea how things turned out like this, but I decided that it had better I wasn't gettin' to comfortable around those 2, as they could start singin' again at any second, or dash at me to end me. I started walkin' away discreetly, but before I could take 5 steps, I hear them callin' me out, Hey you! And much to my fright they jumped into the deck."

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