Beware of the storm that comes

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Where the journey is close to reach it's end at last. But mermaid's warning implies a threat ahead.

Creator's POV:

but before we start, a little announcement. i decided that all the times me and cffap me will appear but only react to some scenes and our appearance is not necessary, all reactions will appear in the end of every chapter as some kind of bloopers. but if the icons are necessary to show something i can't describe with english human words, you'll see icons during the chapter.

(maybe ya can help me to remember next time describe things with their normal sentence. i would be grateful and glad to get help from the cute reader beans who reads that message right now *pat pat*). does those news sound ok? of course, if ya like it when we pop out of nowhere during the narration, ya can say to not change anything. straight to the story now! *claps hands*

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