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Wednesday 10 February 2016

Miloco Studio, London


"Are you alright? You're too quiet to be Miles!" joked Nick.

I gave him a half smile as I made my notes on the new song we were working on; the recording process was going great! We were anxious to get it finished and also for all the plans that followed.

James had secured dates to play in busier bars and other nearby cities. The plan was to have an EP ready for release by April. Based on the fact that we would tour the country, it was hard to believe that what we were longing for was happening! James was joined by Sara, our manager.

She was in charge of setting up our Instagram account and advising us on the content we should share. Day by day our followers grew and we had fun filming videos about the recording process. We released two songs and people wrote to us demanding more.

Alex had also joined the social media boom. He didn't really understand the platform and kept complaining about it, but he hadn't given up on his private account. The only photo he shared was one where we both posed fresh out of the shower in his bathroom mirror, covered with a towel from the waist down, and behind him I positioned myself to kiss his cheek. The caption was "imagine what he is capable of with a kiss".

He believed that I was unaware of the fact that he removed my followers from my personal account. It was a mystery to me how he who misused hashtags had learned such a trick. I didn't mention anything because it would clearly lead to a stupid argument and arguing over superficial things was not in my plans. Besides, it was already making me uneasy to see him deeper in thought than usual.

I made sure Matt and Jamie were away from us to talk to Nick.

"It's about Alex."

"Did you guys have a fight?"

"No, but he's acting weird."

"Why do you say that?"

"He's been attending a lot of business meetings, coming home very late and ... I smell a peculiar scent."

Nick looked thoughtful before speaking again.

"Do you think he's cheating on you?"

"I don't know...I don't think so. I mean, nothing's changed in our sex life...and he loves me, he's told me so."

"My friend, just because between you the sheets stay warm doesn't give you assurance that he's not..." he didn't finish his sentence he was already apologising for being so blunt.

Although his point made sense.

"Why don't you talk to him?" he added.

"He's never there! In the office I can't, in the afternoons I'm here and in the evenings as I told you, he comes back late. The little time we share, he refuses to talk about his work and when we go to bed it's either to pass out in bed or to be on top of each other".

"Those are pure excuses; you should find the time! Replace sex with an honest talk if you have so many doubts, Mi," he concluded patting me on the back and smiling at me.

He was right, the problem was my fear of the answer.

Would he be able to cheat on me? To be honest, I doubted it. Alex was as devoted to me as I was to him. The issue wasn't his overwork, the issue was his attitudes. Not that he was very articulate, but he was quieter than usual. I sensed that he was hiding something or someone from me. Plus, that perfume. He always came back with that fragrance etched in his clothes. I wasn't an expert on fragrances, but it seemed to be citrusy and feminine.

He misses, feels, thinks. [MILEX] [Miles Kane x Alex Turner] +18Where stories live. Discover now