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Monday 09 November 2015

I was sitting in my office, staring at the lift doors. I was anxious. Every half second, I looked at the clock. Time had never passed so slowly. Miles was 20 minutes late. Alexa looked at me curiously because I had kept my office doors open. It was understandable, since I had made it extremely clear to her when she started working for me that the doors should always remain closed. But from that day on I would break that rule.

10:21. 10:22. 10:23

I began to fiddle with my pen. I had work to do, but I couldn't concentrate. I needed to see him. I had no idea what I would say to him, but seeing him might be enough.


The sound of the doors opening followed the lift arriving at my floor. A blond, slim and neat young man entered the reception area. The disappointment I felt flashed across my face. I could tell because Alexa narrowed her eyes and smiled, tilting her head to the side. Quickly, I got up from my chair and walked to my doors to slam them shut.

Where the fuck was Miles? I spent the rest of that day grumpy and the week, too.

Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday.

Miles didn't show up.

Friday 13th November 2015

The young blond boy filled in for Miles during the week. His presence irritated me. After he had dispatched the packages, I went over to get some files. Alexa arrived with our coffees. I felt her gaze on the back of my neck.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I turned to face her. She held out my coffee, and I gladly accepted it.

"He took the week off ... technically he'll be here on Monday"

I looked up and saw her taking a sip of her coffee looking at me intently. I wanted to play it cool, but it wouldn't do much.

"Am I that obvious?" I asked and then took a sip of mine

"Alex ..." she exclaimed as she put her coffee cup down on the desk "... if I may call you that ... I've been working for you for a year now, I think the time has come to admit that we both know each other and that there is enough trust to take the mask off ... I'm not going to go around running my mouth about your sex life, you can trust me ... I can even help"

She was right. Although I always try to keep a fair distance from Alexa, in all the time we had worked together, we both knew each other perfectly. I could tell when she was upset, when she was tired, and when she didn't like someone, just as I could tell when she was crying in the bathroom over some idiot who had broken her heart again. Just as she knew when to bring me a glass of water and an aspirin (because she could tell when I showed up to work hungover), she knew, even if I didn't tell her, when a guy was a client and when he was someone, I hooked up with. I knew she read the books I recommended to her, just as she knew I watched the movies she mentioned to me. She knew which ties were my favourite and I knew which perfumes suited her best (which is why we always gave them to each other on special occasions, even when we didn't spend any holidays together). Beyond being my secretary, she evidently tried to be my friend, and as usual, she had crossed the boss-secretary line. Maybe it was time to erase it.

"You can call me anything you want and thank you" I lifted the coffee cup and inhaled deeply "... for this and the rest ..."

"He's rattling your walls ..." Alexa said with a smile


She cleared her throat.

"Miles ... he's made you let your guard down, you're nervous and on edge .... I've never seen you like this with your other lovers ... " I raised my eyebrows, waiting for her to continue "... not that many have come here to the office, but the few that have shown up, have never fazed you. I think you're in love Alex ..."

He misses, feels, thinks. [MILEX] [Miles Kane x Alex Turner] +18Where stories live. Discover now