Chapter 1

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I know that it's her again. I can tell by that long fiery hair. I don't know who she is, but she keeps coming into my dreams almost every night. As usual, she has her body turned away from me. I don't think she knows that I am here yet. I can tell by her body language. She usually seems excited when she knows I'm here. She is sitting on a bench of stone, her legs are crossed at her shins, swinging a little bit, and she seems to be more focused on something in the distance. It almost seems like we are at a park, but I am not sure. I can kind of make out details of trees in the distance.

I want so badly to know what she is thinking, to see her face. Even though I haven't met this girl, I am already so caught up in her. I don't know why I have such strong feelings already. I haven't seen her face yet, just the back of her body, but I know it is the same girl. No one has as deep red as hair as she does, with bits of orange and yellow mixed in. It is too magical to be real.

This girl is too fascinating to be real. I try to get closer to her today, to try and see her face. I bet she is just as beautiful as the rest of her is. I don't know why my brain keeps thinking of this girl every night, there has to be some reason, right? I saw somewhere that you usually dream about people you see in real life, but I am almost one-hundred percent sure I have never seen her. I think I should be able to see her today, to touch her finally, so I reach out and try touching her skin, and I hear a blood-curdling scream emit from her, and flames erupt around us, enveloping us.
I blink once, twice, and I see my ceiling in my room is staring back at me. My chest is heaving, and I can't breathe, why does this always seem to happen when I dream about her. Every time that I try to get close to her, she suddenly erupts and my dream ends. I don't get it. I close my eyes again, trying to catch my breath. I can't seem to get her out of my head. I have been dreaming about her for about a week now.

Sometimes she talks to me, other times we just sit there in each other's presence. It is nice to just be with her too, I don't need anything more than her. After just seeing her for a week, I am already way more interested in her than any other girl I have talked to before.

I wish I could know why I keep seeing this girl. When we talk, it is usually back to back. She never lets me see her face but I really want to. She seems so beautiful and she already is without me seeing her face, but it would be nice if I could. I crave more and more of this mystery girl every day. I wish she would tell me what is going on if she is real or not. Maybe she is something I made up in my head. I might just be going crazy too.

Before I check my phone, mostly to see what time it is, I know it is still super early in the morning. The sun has not started to rise yet, and the air is still. I don't know if I should try to get some sleep, take a long shower, and watch some tv until I need to get up. I do have school, so I should probably get some sleep. I turn to my other side and close my eyes, and I don't see anything from the girl this time, which I am happy to get some good sleep finally.

When I wake up again, my alarm is going off, and I roll onto my back, flopping my arms out, and I groan loudly. I don't want to go to school, or usually any day. I keep telling myself every day is a day closer to leaving. It's also my senior year, and it is pretty easy. I made sure to take easy classes so that I would have some fun during my last year. I decided not to take a shower this morning. I don't like to eat breakfast, either.

"Good morning, Marrick," my mom smiles at me when I get downstairs. I look at her, and she seems to be more smiley than usual, which is weird. I have never been this smiley before in my life.

"Why are you so happy," I ask, amused at her amusement.

"Can I not be happy?" She gives me side eyes and a little smile. She wipes her hands on her shirt and sighs. "I'm going on a date today."

"Wait?" I raise my eyebrows at her, and she gives me a little smile.

"Yeah, just someone from work, no big deal," she shrugs, but I know it is a big deal, or it should be to her. She hasn't gone on a date in so long.

"No big deal? Mom, dad has been dead for almost ten years now. It's about time you got out there," I reassured her. I know she thinks that she is doing this for me, not wanting me to be weirded out that his mom is dating another guy. I know it is for her though, she still hasn't gotten over dad, but she needs to. I'm not saying to forget him, but she needs to stop thinking about him all the time. Ever since he passed away, she has been a wreck, not wanting to see other people. It's been too long, and she needs to be happy. She has always been there for me, and she deserves everything in the world, so I hope this man treats her right. I hope that everything goes well for her tonight. Maybe this can be a regular thing for her.

"I know," she comes and hugs me, wrapping her arms around my waist, "you better get going to school."

"Okay, I love you," I let go of her and make my way out the door. 

The drive to school is not too bad of one, but I love driving anyway—the feeling of being free, rolling all of my windows down, and playing my music loud. I don't think my neighbors like it very much, but that is okay. It's my life, and I got to start living it. I rest my arm outside of my window. My fingers tap along to the song that I am listening to. I think I have pretty good taste in music. People tell me that all the time.

I pull into the parking lot, and I am just not feeling school today. I hate high school so much. I hope college is better than this. I watch everyone walk into the school, and there are honestly too many people who go here. I am an ambivert kind of person, I like to be with people, but at the same time, I don't want to be with them for too long. I drag myself out of my car and walk inside, taking as slow as steps as I can. And like everyone else, I wish this was not my life.

The thing is about the school. I am a pretty average person. Not impressive at sports, or the arts, or academics to be recognized by anyone. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if everyone liked me, but I don't care that much. I do get pretty good grades but nothing special to write home about. I am almost out of here anyway, and I can't wait for that day.

"Hey," I hear a soft voice behind me. I quickly turn around and see a small girl standing there; she's giving me a big smile.

"Hi," I say, looking at her up and down. She is tiny but cute, I guess. Long brown hair, big green eyes, and she is staring up at me with such joy. 

"I don't think you know who I am, but I am in a couple of your classes," she went on. I honestly don't know who she is, but it's okay. She doesn't have to know that. There are too many people here for me to care. I also am not looking for anything with a girl right now, either. I really can't stop thinking about the girl from my dreams either, she keeps getting into my head, and I can't get her out.

"Oh, yeah, I remember you," I lie. I don't want to hurt her feelings. Girls are sensitive. That makes her get a bigger grin on her face. I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. Now I got her hopes up.

"Well, I'm glad you do because I think you are really cute," she admits bluntly, and I almost choke. I don't know what to say. I am not that type of person who would go up to a girl and tell her she's pretty. I mean, props to her for telling me, but I don't want anything like that. I know prom is coming up in March, which is about two months, so maybe that's what she wants from me. I would be willing to just go to prom with her, but probably nothing more.

"Oh, thank you, I guess you're not so bad yourself," I compliment, turning my eyes down to her again.

The bell rings, and she touches my arm softly, "I should get to class," she says, her eyes darting to mine, and turns around and heads down the hall. I watch her walk away. I need to get to class too, I walk to class, and I sit down in my seat, taking out my notes.

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