Chapter 17

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When I wake up, I feel a soft body pushed right up against mine. I open my eyes in a panic and I stare down at Enya. She is spooning me right now and still passed out. I don't remember how and why she is in my bed right now, but I don't know how I feel. My body is screaming at me to touch her and I realize that her butt is against a certain body part of mine. I almost freak out, this should not be happening! I can't let her see me like this. I am going to try and escape and run to the bathroom. I slowly remove myself from her, she peels off of me like a sticker. I open the covers and swing my legs over.

"Where are you going?" I hear a soft voice from the bed. Enya has her body turned towards me now. Her hair is a crazy mess and her clothes look a little lopsided, but she looks so beautiful right now. I just want to squeeze her forever.

"Um, just to the bathroom," I swallow hard, trying not to look at her. She is always a distraction for me. Always trying to get me aroused and I wonder if she wants me to kiss her too. I am not sure what she wants from me completely, yet. So I am just going to see where things take us. I know that she wanted me to kiss her that one night but I wasn't ready for that yet. I am not sure if I am still ready now, but she sure as hell is making this difficult for me.

"Are you gonna come back," she begs, giving me wide eyes as I stand by the door. I already have the handle in my hand so I know that I should probably come back to her.

"Yeah, of course," I affirm and she smiles at me then lays back down, feeling content with herself. I run to the bathroom and lock the door quickly behind me. I hope that she couldn't tell what was going on, I think I hid it pretty well. I stare at myself in the mirror and I liked this version of myself a lot better. I had asked Enya about where I can shave and get a haircut and she says that she had plenty of men stay here before and she usually got them razors.

Enya had given me a shaving set and now I don't have to worry about feeling gross. I hate when I don't shave my face, first, it just makes me look gross, and second, it itches pretty bad. I don't have the facial structure of the beard growth to pull it off. I never had had hair that grows fast, it grows slowly and in patches so that is why it looks so weird on me. I use this time to brush my teeth and try to shave my face again. I will do anything to get her scent off of me. I don't even know what time it is, but I do have a gross taste in my mouth.

Maybe we even slept for the rest of the day and all of the night too. Anything is possible, especially when you have no concept of time in this fucking dungeon. I love how all of these people don't seem to care about any of that. I mean it's not like this is an advanced technological kingdom. It's more like a Medieval period with some touches of modern history. I mean it's not a terrible place to be, I just need to get used to it.

I still have been holding back on talking to the trainer. I need to get that done with him soon. I know that the more time goes by the more I will probably start to grow stronger feelings for this place and Enya. I already get butterflies whenever I see her and I just want to be there for her. Even though she has powers and I don't, I still would love to be her protector.

I finish up in the bathroom and thank the lord for calming me down before going back in there. I open the door to hear soft snoring coming from my bed. It seems like she fell back asleep. I open the covers and crawl right in there with her. I put my body up to her back and wrapped my arm around her stomach, pulling her closer to my chest.

I love the way she smells and I even when her hair gets in my face. It's nice to have some skin to skin contact. It has been a while for me and maybe that is why my body is reacting so quickly to her. Enya stirred in her sleep and she turns around so her legs are wrapped around mine and her face is tucked into my shoulder.

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