Chapter 12

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I stare into the black abyss of my room. I know that I am up way earlier than everyone else. I don't want to know what time it is. I hate these nights when I can't seem to get good sleep. I want to get a little bit of rest, at least before Enya comes into my room and makes me do whatever she has planned. I know I already said that I would go with her, so all I have to do is wait.

I hear a loud knock on my door, and I jolt up in my bed. I look around my room and see the light emitting from my window. I must have slept for a little bit then. I hear another knock, and I get up, a little annoyed, and open the door.

"What-?" I get cut off by Enya's hand sharp on my face, slapping me. I am shocked, and I stare at her in disbelief. Why the hell would she hit me?

"Do you know what time it is?" she sounds pissed. Uh oh, I hope that it is not passed noon because I would be in a heap load of trouble. Maybe that is why she is so mad at me.

"What? No," I answer truthfully. "You just woke me up." I look into her eyes, trying to make her see from my side and her body is rigid.

"It is almost one, I waited there for almost an hour, and you didn't show!" Enya yells, balling her fists at her sides. I do feel bad for her, though. I told her I would be there, and I didn't show up. I can see why she is so pissed off. I would be mad if someone blew me off too. I wasn't trying to purposely not go out with her. I was excited to see what she had planned. Now I am not sure if she still wants to go.

"I'm sorry," I grab her hands in mine and look into those deep orange eyes. "I didn't get good sleep last night. I should've been more aware of the time, and for that, I am sorry." I am trying to let her know that this is probably the most sincere apologies that I have ever given, so she should be happy. For some reason, I want her not to be mad at me, which is weird because I still don't trust her completely. She seems to be hiding something.

Her eyes soften, and she sighs. I think she can tell that I mean it and want her to forgive me. "Do you forgive me?" I don't drop her hands as we stand here in my room.

She looks down at the ground and then slowly back at my eyes. "Yeah, I forgive you." Before she can say anything more, I take my hands out of hers, and I pull her into a hug, and she rests her head against my chest. It almost sounds like Enya sighs out of relief, and I put my chin on her head.

"You still want to do what you had planned?" I ask her, and she pulls away from the hug, smiling happily. I think I just won her over, and I can't be more proud of myself right now. Why am I so happy that she is happy? I am not so sure if I like these feelings that I am starting to feel for her. It can be a dangerous thing, especially since I am human, and she is not. I don't know what will happen between us to keep a safe distance, so we both don't get hurt.

"Yeah, let's go," she links her hand around my arm, and I can't help but flex a little so she can feel my muscles. I know it sounds like I am trying to impress her, but I don't want her to be mad at me anymore. Instead of taking me to the front gates, she leads me to complete another side of the castle. She ends up taking us outside to a barn. I am guessing there are animals or horses.

Queen Enya opens the door to the large barn. I stare into the black abyss, and I guess we don't need any lights because Enya's body lights up like the sun. I remember she did something like that in one of my dreams, and I was so confused, I just thought that it was part of the dream. I stare at her illuminated body, and I can't help but not be mind boggled. I seriously can't believe that things like her exist. I see lots of horses in this barn, which smells of literal shit and fire.

"I asked for them to prepare two horses for us today," Enya says, petting one of the horse's faces. The horses are part of this fire kingdom, too, because they seem to be made out of the fire. Like someone crafted them using flames. "I thought we could ride around our land." I watch as Enya quickly gets onto her horse. She looks so majestic up there, a fire queen on her flaming horse. Not something that I would see every day, but it is a magnificent sight.

I try to copy what Enya did to get on her horse, and I get up with ease. I look over at her, bewildered that I got on.

"It is way easier than it looks, isn't it?" She giggles at me and takes the reins in her hands, and I do the same. I follow what she is doing, and my horse soon learns to take direction from me. Enya leads us around the barn and into one of the trails behind the castle. The leaves are so colorful, and it makes my heart warm. It is a beautiful place here, and I can tell that Enya takes pride in her kingdom.

"It is a beautiful kingdom you have," I say. I watch as Enya gracefully makes her horse stop so we can catch up to her. I was getting a little behind, just watching her on her horse. You can tell that she has so much practice. I know that she probably loves doing this and does this a lot in her free time. I can see why it is very relaxing to watch the leaves blow in the breeze and the smell of crisp autumn and campfire. I could probably get used to being here, honestly. I would never tell Enya that. I still want her to think that I am unconvincing.

"Thank you," she replies, "I like to come out here by myself a lot and just clear my head." My horse finally catches up to Enya's, and we walk side by side. I look over at her, and she's staring at the other side. I see her hand reach out to touch the leaves on the tree.

"You see right there?" she points at a little corner in the middle of the wooded area. I stare where she is talking, and it seems like there is a mist covering that area.

"That is where my sister's and I's kingdoms meet. Only I can go there, only royalty; otherwise, you will be killed. I don't recommend going there. They don't care who you are. Nobody is allowed to go there." Enya explains. I stare at the mist again and imagine what other entities are out there. If there are more powerful things than Enya, that freaks me out a bit. Remind me not to go there ever.

"Thanks for telling me so I can try not to get killed," I say and wink at her. I don't know what else to say. Even my horse even starts to sense that something is off. My horse begins to neigh and is starting to trot in the opposite direction.

"Just let him lead you home!" I hear Enya yell at me as I get further and further away from her. My horse is running now, and it feels so good right now when the horse is weaving in and out of the trees. I stretch my arms out and let the breeze blow through my shirt. I close my eyes and let the sensations cover my body. I have never felt anything like this in my life.   

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