Chapter 3

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The drive to school seemed like it took years for me to get there. My brain is so dead right now. I don't want to go to school, I already have A's in most of my classes, and most teachers don't care. I make my way into the front doors, and already my head starts to hurt from all of the yelling and screaming. I can't deal with this shit today.

"Marrick," I hear a small voice say behind me, and before I can turn around, I know who it is. It's that girl from the other day. I can't remember her name. I don't want to talk to her right now. I'm not in the mood. I am too freaking tired for this.

I turn around slowly, and I give her the fakest smile I can muster up. "Hi..." I still don't know her name.

"Eva," she tells me, "my name is Eva." I nod at her, and I feel like a total doob for not remembering her name.

"Right... Eva," I echo her. I feel like absolute shit, and she is annoying me right now.

"So, do you have a date to the prom?" she blurts out, and I honestly wasn't surprised she asked. I suspected that is what she wanted from me the whole time. I'm not sure if she wants something more, though.

"Look, I'm going, being honest with you, I don't want anything to do with a girl right now. I'm not looking for anything," I admit, just putting it right out there for her. I know she is one of those girls where I have to put everything out on the table at first, so she doesn't catch feelings.

"Oh...okay, that's fine," she seems a little sad, but she'll get over it. I will have to think about her prom offer, I know it is still kind of far away, but I get that some girls like to go dress shopping way before prom.

"I'll, uh, think about your offer, though," I give her a little smile, and she turns and walks away from me. I feel like such a jerk, I was kind of rude to her, but at the same time, she needs to know the truth. I'm not going to lie to her.

"What were you doing talking to Eva?" a more resonant voice asks. I turn around. What this time? I see one of my friends, Carter, is staring at me. He has a weird thing with girls at this school. He tells me that I can't trust any of them, that they're all just bitches deep down.

"You know what I say about them," he continues, "they will tear your heart out, man."

Carter has a reputation with the ladies at this school, though, so that's probably what is taking up most of his insight. Carter is a big flirt, and he can't seem to settle down at all. He tries to keep one girl, but that never lasts. He always says there is something very wrong with the girl, or she's crazy somehow. He's got to know by now that no one is perfect, but I guess not. He has told me that he's sworn off relationships and just doing hookups now. Which, I mean, for him, that's probably a good thing. He can't keep a girl for the life of him.

"Yes, you've told me about a thousand times," I roll my eyes. Whenever Carter tries to give me advice, I pretend to listen and then forget about it later. He is shit at it.

"We haven't hung out in such a long time, man!" I start to walk away from him, so he comes up and puts his arm around my shoulders.

"It's been a hot minute, you're right," I say. I am not sure if I want to hang out with Carter. He is one of my closest friends. Lately, I haven't wanted to do anything but be in my dreams with my mystery girl.

" wanna do something tonight?" he asks.

I stop in front of the class that I am supposed to be in right now, and I look at Carter. Maybe this is a good thing to get my mind off of things for a while, play some video games, or listen to Carter talk about another girl. I would never admit this to him, but I kind of miss hanging out with my friend.

"Sure," I say, to get him off of my back so I can finally get to class.

"I'll see you tonight," he gives me a wicked grin and starts to walk away from me. I don't know what I got myself into tonight, but I hope it's a good time, at least.

I hear the doorbell ring, and before I can get down there and get it, I hear that my mom has already gotten there before I have.

"Hi Carter," she says. "Marrick is downstairs in his room."

"It's been too long," he responds. I can hear his heavy footsteps as he clunks downstairs. This guy is not that big of a guy. He is super skinny but somehow manages to make so much noise wherever he goes. I have known Carter for a long time, and he is a crazy man. My mom loves him to death, though. He hasn't had a great life growing up, so my mom tries her best to do what she can. I have seen this kid grow up into a pretty good guy, and I am glad he has found the right path. Just because he seems like he is on the right track doesn't mean he is on his best behavior. He has his wild child moments, and it is entertaining to experience them.

He takes me to parties with him a lot, which isn't my style of what I want to do on a Friday night, but he always convinces me somehow. He is the life of the party though, girls love him, and guys want to be him. I sit back and watch it go down, which is just as fun, in my opinion. He has a habit of taking girls back into his bedroom and never speaking to them after that. I can see why he would, saying his parents make him believe that love is fake. I am glad he turned out pretty decent. He does make life a little more fun, though.

"Marrick," I hear Carter, say as he comes into my room. He gives me a mischievous smile, which is normal when it comes to being friends with him.

"What's up, man?" I am just hanging out, playing some video games, and waiting for Carter to join me. We usually play games and talk about whatever girl he had played this week.

He grabs one of my controllers from my desk and comes to sit by me on my bed. "So, Eva, huh?" I don't look at him, I am focused on the screen, but I can already tell he is smirking.

"I don't know, man. She just started talking to me a couple of days ago, then asked if I wanted to go to prom with her," I admit, he is my man, I'm not going to lie to him, and guys aren't really like girls when it comes to this stuff.

"Dude, Eva is kinda psycho, though. Last year at a party..." I decide not to listen to what random story he will bring up. Sometimes it is just better to not listen to what Carter is going to say about her. "Just stay away from her man." He finally finishes, and I agree with him for the sake of getting him off my back.

We play video games pretty much all night and eating junk food. It is at least Friday, so we don't have to be anywhere tomorrow. I look over at Carter, who is passed out on the floor. Whenever he comes over, he always sleeps in the weirdest places or the strangest positions. I always tell him he's welcome to sleep on the couches, but he insists that he sleeps on the floor.

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