Chapter 2

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At first, I didn't see her, and I was upset. I wanted to see her tonight. But then, out of the mist, she appeared, so magnificent. I stared at her as she walked towards me, her beautifully made body, in a silken dress. Her face was shining, bright like the sun so that I couldn't see it. I am sitting on the bench where she was last time. I can't help but let my mouth gape like a fish. She's got me wrapped around her finger now.

She comes and sits behind me on the bench, our backs touching. I put my hand down on the bench for support, and she touches her fingers on my hand, feeling me. Her touch is like a whisper, so soft. I can barely tell it's there.

"Hi," I manage to choke out. My voice sounds throaty.

"Hi," I finally hear her say, and her voice is like honey. I want to see her face so badly. I don't get why it is so important to her not to show her face.

"When can I see your face," I ask, leaning more against her small back, trying to have as much as me touching her.

"Not in our dreams, my love," she whispers, tracing patterns on the back of my hand.

"When can I see you then? I bet you are just as beautiful as the rest of you is," I say, and I can tell by the way her back shakes, she's never heard anything like that before, which surprises me. You would think that she gets the opposite, so many guys that want her.

"I promise soon," she whispers into my ear. Her breath is hot, and it's my turn to shiver now. What is she doing to me? Even in a dream, she is turning me on.

"Everyone always thinks my sisters are more beautiful than I am," she admits, and I am honestly taken aback. I never expected her to be this blunt either.

"I don't think anyone can beat you," I smile at the ground and stare at her toes, even they are small and dainty. Everything about this girl is perfect. I am just sad that the only place that I can see her is in my dreams. I don't even know if she is real or just some weird figment of my imagination. I am not sure if she is a way that my subconscious is telling me I am lonely and need a girlfriend.

"Are you sure you're real?" I ask, now resting the back of my head against hers, and she seems to be leaning into me just as much.

"I promise I am. I will prove it to you sometime," she finally replies, and I know she can't see the disappointment on my face, but I bet she senses it.

"I would do anything to see you, to know you are real," and I try to turn towards her, but her hand stops me. I don't know why she won't let me see her. I already know she is the most beautiful girl in the world.

"I' to go," she gets up quickly and starts to walk away from me, and doesn't look back. I open my eyes and see that I am back in my room again, my chest is falling hard, and the room is spinning.

I need to clear my head and get my thoughts straight. I am going to get some ice-cold water from downstairs to try and organize what is going on inside me. It's still pretty late, and I know I should try to be quiet, so I don't wake up my mom.

"Marrick?" someone says from the kitchen, and I almost jump out of my skin. Holy shit, it's just mom, though, which is weird. She is never up this late.

"Mom? What are you doing up this late?" I ask, rubbing my eyes with sleepiness.

"I just got back from the date," she whispers, and I nod my head, totally pretending that I remembered.

"You stayed out all night with a boy? Do you know how late it is? You could've been killed," I laugh, giving her a look.

She hits my arm and gives me a look back. "Thanks, mom."

"Anyway, how did it go?" I ask, genuinely curious. I need to know if she had a good time because she deserves a good guy.

"It went well. He got me flowers, opened the doors for me, such a gentleman," she blushed.

"I'm glad he seems like a decent guy then," I am happy for her. My mom deserves the whole world, if not more, and I'm glad maybe this guy can make her realize it.

I grab myself some water, and I turn to my mom and give her a glass too. We stand there in silence, just enjoying each other's company. I know that I haven't been here much for my mom, and I should be. I am going to be gone next year, and she will be all alone. I know if I can make the best of it now, it will be worth it when I'm gone. Or maybe this thing with that guy will work out and she won't be alone, that would be nice for her. I don't feel exhausted anymore, so I decide to stay up with my mom. We watch movies together and laugh about stupid things until I need to get ready for school. I was beyond tired, but the things I would do for my mom

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