Chapter 13

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When I get back with my horse, we wait for Enya to come back. I watch as she got off her horse so gracefully, while I slid down its side. She runs her fingers through her hair and she has these wild eyes that I've never seen before. She looks so young and free right now. I can't stop staring at her, she is beautiful.

"So, are you glad we did this today?" Enya asks, looking over at me, hoping that I had fun. But in all honesty, I did have a great time. I have never ridden horses in my life, but it was nice to try something new. I have never felt so free before. It is nothing compared to driving around my town with the windows down. It is a whole new experience.

"I had a good time," I answered and started walking towards the castle. Enya follows me and she wraps her small fingers around my arm again. I wonder why this is a thing here, we never used to do this back at home. I do kind of like it though, I can just flex whenever and she automatically giggles. I don't think many people work out here.

"I'm glad you did," she squeezes my arm and we make our way into the castle. I feel her remove her hand and put it on my hip bone. I gulp quietly, trying not to think of where her hand is close to right now. I don't know if she realizes what she is doing but I am trying to control myself. The fact that she seems innocent as to what she is doing turns me on more. I am thinking about old naked men, grandpa in a bra, anything to get myself from thinking about Enya.

"I think we should work out some time together," I bring up, trying to distract myself and her. I look at her bewildered eyes and she just laughs. "Work out?!" she says it like a joke like it's the funniest thing she's heard from me all day. I am not joking though, I need to start running again and I can't just run around the castle, so maybe Queen Enya can take us somewhere to run.

"Yeah, it's good for your endorphins it'll make you less of a bitch,'" I poke her side and she wiggles away from me.

"Hey! You've never met my sisters though. Oof, they are a different breed of bitchy," She smacks my arm lightly before putting it back on my hip. I am having a good conversation with her right now. I am genuinely surprised. I kinda like talking to her though and it makes me wanna get to know her more.

"Okay, so tomorrow I'll wake you up around, seven?" I say and she gives me a crazy look.

"Eight," she retorts back. I know I probably won't get her to wake up early, but the earlier it is in the morning, the cooler so it's her fault. I guess she is a fire elemental so she can't get hot here as I can. So that isn't fair.

"Fine, but I don't want to be dying by the heat tomorrow," I give in. Enya just looks so pleased with herself right now.

"Don't be a baby," she pokes my hard abs and she looks up at me. "Why are you so hard here?" I want to tell her that is not the only place I am hard but I don't think it's the right time for that. I stare down at her gorgeous eyes and I am suddenly trapped in them.

"It's because I work out," I answer truthfully, and break eye contact with her. Not trying to bust right here.

"Men here don't have hard bellies, they are soft," Enya comments and she won't take her hand off my stomach now. She seems so entranced which is kind of funny. Lots of guys have this in the human world and I am nothing compared to a lot of them.

"Well, maybe you should get your people to work out instead of being pigs," I reply. I try to look and see her reaction, and she is laughing, actually laughing. This shocks me at first, she isn't stopping so I just laugh along with her.

"They are kind of pigs," Enya is still gigging. I don't think she is going to stop soon. I like the sound of her laugh though, it's not as beautiful as her but I like to hear it.

"I think if I were king, I would have a mandatory exercise class twice a week for everyone. That way we could all have hard bellies." I announce and she pulls away from me and just stares at me for a hot minute.

"I think that is a brilliant idea. Be my king now," Enya leaps into my arms and I catch her before she can fall. "Look at you strong man." She whispers in my ear and runs her finger down my shoulder. She seems almost drunk right now but I think that's just how she is happy and I am making her happy.

"Okay, miss, where is your room so your handsome steed may drop you off?" I mused and she grabs onto my neck and stares into my soul.

"It is not missing, it's Your Royal Highness Enya, to you, steed," she chided back and I gave her crazy eyes. "This way!" she bellows and points in the direction. I follow her finger points and it leads us down a place I have never been before. We get to her room and she has two double doors, while I just have one.

"Here you are, milady," I drop her off in front of her door and she stares at me. I don't know what she is thinking right now but I know she wants something more.

"Thank you for an amazing time today," she bows her head to me. I stare at her, why is she thanking me?

"It was all your idea to go ride the horses though," I point out and she just nods. Enya takes a couple of steps towards me and we don't break eye contact. I put my hands on her waist and pull her body to mine. Her skin is so soft and she smells like flowers and firewood. She wraps her arms around my neck and tries to pull me closer, sticking her nose in her neck.

I do enjoy hugging her, her body flush against mine, she is gonna wake up the monster anytime soon. I stare at her body as we are as tight as we can be together. I don't know if she wants to kiss me. I don't know if I want to kiss her. I bet she would be good at it though. I stare at her lips and I half-close my eyes.

I don't think she wants this hug to end but I am pretty exhausted so I pull back. We look into each other's eyes for a second. I pull completely away, taking two steps away from her. Enya seems a little rejected and steps away from me.

"Goodnight," I reach out to touch her arm. "I'll see you nice and early tomorrow."

"Whatever," she rolls her eyes and shuts her door. I think there was a hint of amusement in her voice, but if there was it was barely noticeable. Why is she so mad at me all of a sudden? We were having a really fun time tonight and she goes and shuts me out. I don't think I will ever understand girls honestly. 

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