Chapter 14

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When I wake up, I look up at the clock hanging on my wall. I am glad they have clocks at least, to tell time otherwise you would be in the dark. I am so used to checking my phone to see what time it is or using my alarm to wake me up. I guess I don't have those kinds of luxuries here. I wish they were more technologically advanced. I wonder if they have heard much of humans.

It says it is about seven-fifty and I almost jerk out of bed. I need to go get Enya so we can go on our run this morning. I start going through my closet and I decide on some shorts and I'll run shirtless. It is going to be hot and I know that I will get super sweaty.

I try to remember where Queen Enya led me last night. Her room is kind of far from my room so it will take me a while to get there. It is a big castle so this itself is a workout. I know that Enya went to bed kind of mad at me for some reason and I hope she hasn't carried that into today. I just hate when people hold grudges, I think it is immature and pretty stupid. I still have no idea why she got so upset with me last night. Is it because I didn't kiss her? I mean, yeah, we had a good time yesterday, but that doesn't mean I owe her anything.

We were so close to kissing and I just couldn't bring myself to do that to her or me. I hope she can see why though and so what if I am not ready yet? She really can't be mad at me. It's not fair and I think she should realize that if she is a decent being.

When I get to the front of her door, I see that she is not outside it yet. I wonder if she is awake or not. I knock on the door pretty loudly and I wait. After a while, I don't hear any moving around so I am assuming that she is sleeping. Enya wouldn't mind if I came in, right? She said that she would go on that run with me. It makes you feel good before the day starts. We even compromised on a time and she said she would be ready. I know that they don't have alarms here, so she can't wake up at the time that she wants.

I knock on the door again, if she doesn't answer this time I am going to go in there and wake her lazy ass up. I still don't hear anything after a couple of minutes so I put my hand on the door handle and I turn it. It squeaks pretty loudly and I am surprised she doesn't wake up still. I make my way into her humongous room and when I say it's huge, that is an understatement. Who the hell needs all of this space? Enya fills the space with the most extravagant bed you've ever seen. It looks way more comfortable than mine. It seems so soft and I don't understand why she isn't having a good night's sleep. Enya is tucked in the middle of the bed, laying on her stomach. I stare at the top of her head because the rest of her is covered by the comforter. She looks like she is dead asleep and I watch as the small body in this huge bed moves softly up and down. At least she is alive.

I don't know how I am supposed to wake her up now. I am kind of jealous though, watching her sleep in the biggest bed I have ever seen. With so many pillows and blankets. It is almost decorated like a teenager would in her dorm but times all of it by ten. It seems like a little too much to be but I guess if she likes it, that is all that matters, right?

I climb onto her bed and my knee sinks in, it's so squishy. I try to get to the middle so I can get her up. It seems trickier than I thought it would be.

"Wake up," I say, sing-songy at first, and use my hands to gently shake her awake. If she still doesn't wake up, I don't know what I am going to do. Enya slowly opens her eyes, she kind of looks at me a little disoriented, like she doesn't know who I am or what I am doing here.

"What are you doing?" she pushes me off of her and I take that as she means it. I think she might still be mad at me. I don't think she should be, but I guess she is. Maybe after our workout session, she will be happier. Maybe she just wasn't expecting me to be there, because I normally don't wake her up this early, or at all.

"It's past eight. Remember you said you would go running with me this morning?" I answer, already have gotten off the bed, trying to get away from her. I don't feel like being murdered right now. She sits up and glares at me. I can't tell if it's because her eyes are tired or she's mad.

"Fuck," is all she says, rubbing her eyes. "I'll be out there soon." I take that as my opportunity to leave her room and let her get ready by herself. I step into the hallway and I wait for her to come out. I hope she is just tired and not mad from last night. Enya hasn't come out yet and I feel like it has been almost ten minutes. I just stare at the door hoping it is going to open, but it doesn't. I wonder what the hell is taking her so long? I open the door slightly and I peek my head in. I watch as she takes her nightdress off, and I immediately shut the door, and I walk far away from it. I lean against the wall of the castle and my heart is pounding. I didn't think that she was still getting dressed. I was thinking she had crawled back into bed and fallen asleep. I mean don't most people want to do that, though?

I don't care how long it takes her to get out here but I just don't want to go back in there. I finally watch as the doors open and Enya comes out. She looks around until she finds my eyes and smiles at me. I look down at her body and see that she is not wearing a dress. She seems to be wearing leggings-like pants and a tight shirt. I can't stop staring at her legs, I haven't seen them ever, except for that night in the kitchen. It is so weird seeing them. She also has her hair in a ponytail like all girls usually do when they work out.

"I'm sorry it took so long. I haven't done this before so I didn't know what to wear, so I just chose what you humans wear," Enya explains, tightening her ponytail and I stare at her.

"Are you ready?" 

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