Chapter 18

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I quietly slip out of my room and I follow the sounds of their footsteps down the hall. I really want to know what is going on with her. I feel like she is constantly trying to hide stuff from me all the time. If she wants this to work and wants me to be her king, she is going to have to trust me. I hear some quiet whispers coming from the kitchen so I stop myself outside of the door and listen.

"What did he want?" I hear Enya first, she sounds like she might be upset. It might have to do with the fact that her dad didn't really pay much attention to her as a child.

"He sent a messenger over this morning and he wants to know how far you've come in the process," Ember is talking now. I wonder what process he is talking about. What could Enya be up to that is so important her father wants to check up on her?

"Just tell him that we've almost got him hooked." What the hell is she talking about? Who is him, is that me? Is she talking about me? I really hope that she isn't talking about me. What do I have to do more than what I already am?

"He also said he's going to make the stakes higher, and that whoever gets a king first gets to rule over the Four Corners," Ember spits out and I can feel the pause and the hesitancy of Enya. So is that the reason why she wants me here? To make me king so that she can have complete control? My eyes are starting to get fuzzy at the feeling of betrayal.

I guess I can see where she is coming from. She probably thinks if she can get a king first, then her father might respect her.

"Are you serious right now?" I can still hear the shock in Enya's voice. I don't think she has had time to process what is going on.

"Yes, your father also wants to meet with you in three days. In the middle of the Four Corners, with all of your sisters," Ember sounds so nervous just talking about her sisters.

"Shit," is all I hear Enya say and I just laugh a little to myself. "You don't know how far they've come with their searches, have you?"

"The guy we have on the inside says the water queen has someone on mind but no one so far. We get letters every month from him updating us on her," Ember is telling all of these things to an intrigued Enya, who I'm guessing is happy that her sisters are not further along in this process than she is.

Is that all that she wants from me? Just someone to make her king so she can have more power? She doesn't seem like that type of girl, or maybe I just don't know her all that well anymore. That makes me sad that she would just use me for more power.

"That is really good to hear," Enya responds and I can feel the contentment radiating off of her.

I need to get out of here before she can sense that I am here. I make my way back to my room, my head is all confused. I just don't know what to think of her anymore. I was really starting to enjoy hanging out with her and seeing her smile. Then she makes it seem like she is using me. Does she even care about me? Once I get to my room, I crawl back into bed and I flop my body on it, face down. I hear footsteps leading back into my room and I see Enya sneak into my room. I don't pick my head up, I don't want to look at her right now.

"Hey," she says, sounding very happy. I want to be mad at her but if she knows I'm mad, she'll figure out that I was spying on her.

"Hi," I grumble into the sheets. She comes over and I feel her body on the bed with me. She sticks her head down next to mine and stares at me, very confused.

"What are you doing, you look silly," she giggles and I turn my head to look at her and I'm surprised to see her face so close to mine. She scared the hell out of me. I wasn't expecting her to be that close.

"I am lying here," I respond, trying to act nonchalant.

"I can see that," she blinks at me and I don't know what to say.

"I don't feel like being with you right now," I respond. Not really all that true, but I want her to get off of me right now. She is kind of being annoying and I want her to go away. I still am upset about the whole marriage thing. I was really considering that and I wanted to see where this takes us. Now, I am not so sure about that anymore.

"Oh...okay," she sounds defeated. Enya turns her head away from mine and gets out of the bed. I don't stop her as she leaves my room. We can talk about this another time. One when I'm not feeling sorry for myself. 

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