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June 1999, Gloucestershire, England.

The crowd in front of Kingswood Electronics was huge considering it was time to finish off the office hour for the employees. The crowd was packed, but among them, a couple would catch anyone's eyes easily with their presence.

You have to admit, it is rare to see such a perfect couple nowadays.
You'll be even more surprised if you hear that they are married and are the parents of a 7 years old daughter.
Though at first glance, they both look like college students, in reality, they both celebrated their twenty-ninth birthday last year and just finished their university life and started their career not long ago.

Michael Walden is a strikingly young man, almost six feet tall with curly hair and bright eyes. He is very handsome and has a constant confident smile on his lips as if nothing in this world can falter that. There is an irresistible attraction in his feature, but those who know him will tell you that his brain is sharper than his face.

You can't avoid Debby in the brain department too. She can easily compete with her husband in the talent part. But her beauty will surely overshadow anything in the way. The long blond hair or deep blue eyes with an ocean of depth in them can make anyone speechless for time being.
Her thin lips, nose, small forehead, and round face are like any art created by a great sculpture.
Her five feet five and a half inches body is a perfect match for her husband beside her.

Though both of them had enough wealth to toy with the opposite gender, they never had any intention or need to do so. Both are very much loyal and sincere to one another. As a couple, they both are very much happy within their little household.

They started this relationship in school life. You can tell, they were "high school sweethearts". People say the relationship of early life doesn't linger on, but both of them proved it wrong. Understanding and compromising mentality made them such great partners that they can easily mend their differences with nice and open-hearted communication.

God created the perfect pair for every human in the world and each people is in search of the right one, but very few people get that. Michael and Debby are two of those lucky people. It didn't take time to realize the truth, so both of them were ready to embrace life together from the beginning.

So when Michael turned 21, they didn't waste any more time and exchanged vows on his birthday when there was no legal objection regarding the age.
And within one year, their life has been blessed with a little princess.

But it will be wrong if we call their relationship only romance. Both of them are extraordinary in their field. They both entered oxford university with a full scholarship, finished their study in computer engineering. Not only extraordinary results, but in this advancing field of the twentieth century, they both made some remarkable inventions, so they were getting started to be recognized as emerging computer scientists.
How could they manage to maintain such a career with a little child in the house was a miracle.

They were offered such lucrative job offers even before their study has ended. But none of them surrendered to the lust trap, rather they persisted, finished up their study, finished their doctorate. And then found a job they liked.

Kingswood electronics is one of the largest and most famous companies in the country. To get the Walden couple as their own, they not only just had to offer a fat paycheck but also had to agree on various terms and conditions this couple placed along with the condition of letting them work independently.
It has been one and half years already, but both of them already advanced Kingwood electronics in different fields ahead of others.

After a long day, both of them just now left the office building in the late summer afternoon. Avoiding the crowd, both of them went to the parking lot and climbed up in their Toyota car. The company offered them expensive car chauffeur but none of them agreed to that. This car contained many memories of their struggling life when they bought it.

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