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The wheels screeched on the road asphalt—Jin was spinning the steering frequently, trying to avoid the trail of bullets. This maneuver still managed to keep the tires alive, but the chassis of the Land Rover was pierced with thousands of bullets already. The bullets still didn't hit any of the passengers penetrating the walls all because of just pure luck.

"Don't sit quietly, Arya!" shouted Jin looking to the side, "fire back!"

Arya shook her head, unbuckled her seatbelt, and turned around pulling out her pistol. Eva had already laid down in her seat, she stretched her hand over the girl, and through the gap in the broken windshield behind, she started shooting.

One of Ford's windows appeared to be cracked, but none of the occupants were injured. Their fury increased in retaliatory fire and they continued to fire twice as much as before.

Arya's magazine was empty, she lowered her body behind the seat and cursed, ''shit! I'm out of ammunition, Jin!"

Jin's face also turned dark when he reached for his jacket pocket.
There was only one clip. Handing it to Arya, he said, "this is our last clip."

"Nothing can be done with this, Jin. I don't see any use in spending the last bullets on them. We can't give a scratch to them anyway!".

"What!!" Eva groaned from the back seat. "You are out of ammunition?"

Looking at the fuel gauge, Jin bit his lips. The indicator was turning rapidly to the left, "our fuel line also got hit." He calmly delivered the bad news.

"Sweet!" Arya's face seemed like someone fed her a spoonful of bitter medicine, "now what?"

Jin thought quickly. Arya only had three Bottle-bombs remaining.

He said to take them out.

"What is the benefit? Throwing these at them will do no good. They can just get past them."

"If the plan works, they won't be able to evade it."

"What's the plan?"

Jin explained.

"That's a good idea," Arya smiled hearing his plan, "and that's why I love you this much!".

"Take two bombs," said Jin, "shorten the fuse and give me one, you keep the other."

Arya did as instructed. Jin took the bomb in his hand and kept the car steady. It was now running in a straight line. He wanted to get the enemy to get into the position he likes.

His assumption proved to be correct. Seeing the Land Rover was going straight, the Ford duo went parallel to the rear corners, picking up speed, trying to come alongside so that a sure shot from the side can burst the tires.

Jin looked at Arya and nodded. With the lighter, Arya set the fuses on fire. Jin held the bomb and said, "hold on!"

He slammed on the brakes immediately. The Land Rover stopped, the wheels screeched on the road, stopping the car.

It was so sudden that the two Fords could not keep pace, they quickly passed their Land Rover.

The two NIS agents moved as the opponent's car's open windows were just passing them and gently dropped the bombs. They fell straight inside the two SUVs. The incident was so unexpected that the enemy had no way of resisting it. The length of the fuses was short and that's why they did not get time to react. They went straight forward with the bombs in their cars.

The explosion occurred twenty yards from the Land Rover. Two small fireballs leaped up inside the Fords—the riders can't be alive there. Not after this explosion.

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